207 "Autological" is!“同义重复”就是同义重复! 同义重复词指这个词所描述的内容包括了这个词本身,如“中文”一词本身就在“中文”的概念之内。在Java版1.0.0-rc1前,此标语为“"Noun" is an autonym!”(“名词”就是个名词!)。 Beta 1.0 0.7.3 ...
This mod adds a single block to the game: theCrafting Automat. • Autocrafts a recipe when it receives a redstone pulse. • Dispenses the result into any adjacent container. • Stays true to the vanilla experience. • Also works like a normal crafting table with persistent inventory....
开放了1.19.50及以上版本的实验性JSON格式中的BlockCollisionBoxComponent。开放了1.19.50及以上版本的实验性JSON格式中的BlockCraftingTableComponent。实验性 本段落的内容需要开启实验性玩法中的“下一个主要更新”、“即将推出的创作者功能”和“测试版 API”子选项后才可使用。方块 竹板 可由2×2的竹子合成。
Fixed a crash when auto crafting 64 honey blocks from recipe book in survival MCPE-68604 修复生存模式中,使用配方书合成 64 个蜂蜜块时发生的崩溃。 Fixed an issue that could occur if the Player equipped any piece of netherite armor, used a clear command to clear it, and then equipped another...
Discover new decorative blocks, hostile mobs, items, weapons, paintings, and the trial chambers – whose sprawling halls are stuffed with traps and treasure for every player. Team up or go solo and triumph over waves of hostile mobs, build with new blocks, harness auto-crafting, battle the ...
accurateBlockPlacement 优化在高速运动的时候放置方块时方块的朝向 autoCraftingDropper 可以在你列表里有充足的弓的情况下连续合成发射器 creativeOpenShulkerBoxForcibly 创造模式可强制打开潜影盒(即使它对着一个实体方块) ctrlQCraftingFix 工作台的合成结果也可以CTRL Q一键扔出 ...
Discover new decorative blocks, hostile mobs, items, weapons, paintings, and the trial chambers – whose sprawling halls are stuffed with traps and treasure for every player. Team up or go solo and triumph over waves of hostile mobs, build with new blocks, harness auto-crafting, battle the ...
This will add a the tap block to the side of the tree! Over time, the bucket on the tap will slowly fill up with sap. Once full, interact to remove the Bucket of Sap, and put it in a Furnace.This will craft Maple Syrup! ___ Maze Golems! Maze Golems are shy, but loyal and ...
BlockLight:存储子区块内4096个方块光照亮度信息,含有2048个byte,编码格式见亮度格式。可能不存在。 SkyLight:存储子区块内4096个天空光照亮度信息,含有2048个byte,编码格式见亮度格式。可能不存在。 Y:子区块的索引。 Status:定义了该区块当前在世界生成中的状态。是这些值的其中之一:empty(尚未进行区块生成)、structur...
Players no longer crawl after sneaking onto a Bed with a 1.5 block gap above it (MCPE-178370) 玩家在床上进入 1.5 格高的空隙时不会再爬行 (MCPE-178370) Trail Ruins now generate correctly on 32 bit-devices (MCPE-178549) 古迹废墟现在会在32位设备上正确生成 (MCPE-178549) ...