You can view the most recent version of the rules at, and you can also view the version history of the document at With the release of this document, the rules on speedrun...
🔶 DDoS protection: If you have created a community, your servers are more prone to DDoS attacks, aiming to eat all resources with a rushed attack of fake users. But don’t worry provides you with complete security against DDoS attacks.🔶 Plugin installer: offers ...
calc-Calculatorcommand chest-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY]-ClonestheNPCwhichyouarelookingat config-Allowsyoutosettheglobalconfigurationfileasyourcurrentconfiguration confusesuicide-Makesmobsattackone...
bring[ENTITY]-Bringsthespecifiedentitytoyou. cannon[STRENGTH]-ShootsaprimedTNTinthedirectionyouarepointing. calc-Calculatorcommand chest<drop|get|fill|swap|clear>-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY...
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSonic/Calculator @Override protected void onImpact(@Nonnull RayTraceResult result) { if (! { setDead();, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, 5.0F, true); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this...
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSonic/Calculator @Override protected void onImpact(@Nonnull RayTraceResult result) { if (! { setDead();, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, 5.0F, true); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this...