MC-114246 - Item in offhand of armor stand with arms cannot be taken back MC-114246 - 有胳膊的盔甲架的副手的物品拿不回来 MC-118258 - Spelling mistakes in the 'Commandblock chain tried to execure more than x steps!' warning message MC-118258 - “Commandblock chain tried to execure more ...
Armor Stand盔甲架 Armorer盔甲商 Barrier屏障 Butcher屠夫 Cleric牧师 Cooked Rabbit熟兔肉 Coarse Dirt砂土 Chiseled Red Sandstone錾制红沙石 Dark Prismarine暗海晶石 Depth Strider深海探索者 Diorite闪长岩 Endermite末影螨 Farmer农民 Fisherman渔夫 Guardian守卫者 Granite花岗岩 Killer Bunn...
tridentImpaling = 穿刺 armor_stand = 盔甲架 arrow = 箭 bat = 蝙蝠 bee = 蜜蜂 blaze = 烈焰人 boat = 船 cat = 猫 cave_spider = 洞穴蜘蛛 chicken = 鸡 cow = 牛 creeper = 苦力怕 dolphin = 海豚 goat = 山羊 panda = 熊猫 donkey = 驴 dragon_fireball = 末影龙火球 drowned = 溺尸 egg ...
Armor stands are actually entities not blocks and can therefore can be summoned using /summon ArmorStand and put in minecartsNBT tags can be used to create armor stands which are small (Small), invisible (Invisible), have arms (ShowArms), have disabled slots (DisabledSlots), have no base ...
Towering trees, wide roots, small saplings, and muddy terrain make up the new mangrove swamps. Found in areas with high temperatures and high humidity, this new swamp also introduces mangrove trees and mud blocks, bringing a wide range of new materials to craft builds inspired by the beauty ...
Armed Armor Stands:Enables arms for armor stands by default Armor Curve:Adjusts the armor scaling and degradation formulae for mobs and players Sets custom ranges for entity attributes Replaces auto jump with an increased step height (singleplayer only) ...
魔古尔马铠 Morgul Horse Armor 秘银马铠 Mithril Horse Armor 黑森林精灵麋鹿铠 Wood-elven Elk Armor 魔多座狼铠 Mordor Warg Armor 安格玛座狼铠 Angmar Warg Armor 胡萝卜酒 Carrot Wine 香蕉啤酒 Banana Beer 西瓜甜酒 Melon Liqueur 稻草床 Straw Bed 奥克头颅杖 Orc Skull Staff 多古尔都剑...
Leather Horse Armor is now dyed all over Arrows Tipped arrow colors are now consistent with Java Edition Bundles Corrected miscolored pixels on open textures Technical Items Pixel-consistent Light item textures Orange Command Block Minecart item ...
564 armor_stand 674 arms_up_pottery_sherd 303 arrow 372 axolotl_bucket 508 axolotl_spawn_egg -337 azalea -324 azalea_leaves -325 azalea_leaves_flowered 281 baked_potato 614 balloon -163 bamboo -527 bamboo_block -511 bamboo_button 670 bamboo_chest_raft -517 bamboo_door...
Armed Armor Stands: Enables arms for armor stands by default Armor Curve: Adjusts the armor scaling and degradation formulae for mobs and players Attributes: Sets custom ranges for entity attributes Auto Jump Replacement: Replaces auto jump with an increased step height (singleplayer only) Auto ...