Syntax Pose:{RightLeg:[x,y,z]} Example {Pose:{RightLeg:[50f,0f,0f]}} /summon /data id armor_stand (The entity value used to represent an armor stand in the EntityTag or Passengers tag) Example {id:armor_stand} /summon /giveNBT...
There are 16 customization options which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft*s terrain generator. These can be changed by moving sliders or by typing in values directlyMain Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight ...
Can you imagine If you could rotate your armor stand's hands (to add hands as well) , head, legs etc? Rename it so you can see message by looking at it? Remove the small platform under it? Make it invisible so u can put on it floating armor? And all by right clicking with empty...
Pose:{Head:[-90f,180f,0f]},NoGravity:1} execute @e[tag=TNs] ~-0.75 ~-0.2 ~ summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {DisabledSlots:1,Invisible:1,CustomName:TBTNFlat,NoGravity:1,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:banner,tag:{BlockEntityTag:{Base:4,Patterns:[]}}}],Pose:{Head:[-90f,180f,0f]}...
Explicitly: after placing an armor stand, use the Statues book to give it arms, then set the pose to "Attention." Once that's done, place a ghast head on its head slot and a ghast legs in either hand slot. Set the stand to invisible, and you'll yourself a tiny floating ghast!
scoreboard players tag @e[type=ArmorStand,name=PCppl] add PCma kill @e[tag=PCpe] # Rotate the top of the pole tp @e[type=ArmorStand,name=PCppl] ~ ~ ~ ~3 ~ # Snow generator execute @e[tag=PCma,score_PCg_min=1] ~ ~ ~ ...
Loot Tables: data/mutantmore/loot_tables/blocks/heatstorm_generator: the loot table for the Heatstorm Generator. data/mutantmore/loot_tables/blocks/mutant_wither_skeleton_skull: the loot table for the Mutant Wither Skeleton Skull when it’s placed on the ground. data/mutantmore/loot_tables/bloc...