"A Minecraft Movie," as seen in its previews, follows several human characters from Earth (Jack Black plays the universal "Mincraft" protagonist Steve) as they step through a portal into the "Minecraft" game. The world is make of blocks and the characters suddenly have access to the game'...
Charred fur:it can be used to craft a cloak that might make some predators not so hostile towards the player. Owlstack These little hooters live in the deeps of the birch forest, protecting animals and nearby travellers from hostile creatures making a powerful screech that scares them away, ...
Gaseous Fluids:Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets Material Blacklist:Hides tool/bow materials in the 'Materials and You' book Offhand Shuriken:Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand ...
NexonCraft Version 1.7.10. Server is located in Los Angeles, CA. IP Address: (100Mbps) - 4096 MB DDR3 RAM. 4 CPU Cores. port 25565 0 Online Players Details 0 37 33 MineDesign Welcome to Minedesign We are currently some Admins from Sweden running...
🌎 Localization: 🇺🇸 en_us (English US) 🇪🇸 es_es (Spanish Spain) 💡 Tip: Don't forget to configure your key bindings in Minecraft options menu. 📖 Overview: Legendary Races, Classes and professions for an immersive Minecraft RPG and PVP game style. • 5 Races, 8 Clases...
IndustrialCraft 2 Duplication Fixes: Fixes various duplication exploits Industrial Foregoing Duplication Fixes: Fixes various duplication exploits Machines Max Range Off-By-One Fix: Fixes an off-by-one error where IF Machines would display the max tier of range addon as one less than the actual...
Spire Armor Trim 尖塔盔甲纹饰 Wither Skeleton Skull Skull Charge Banner Pattern Now that Wither Skeleton Skulls are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well 既然凋零骷髅头颅是稀有的,那么这些旗帜图案也应该是稀有的 Thing Banner Pattern ...
the "Shooter Gun" that you used to craft Minecar Shooter can be used independently! while holding the gun & standing still, interact with your screen to summon the gun the gun cannot target automatically, but you can shoot manually
19w02a Wood and stripped wood can now be used to craft campfires. 1.1519w41a Stripped wood can now be crafted from stripped logs. 1.1620w10a Added regular and stripped crimson and warped hyphae. 1.1721w06a Corridors in mineshafts now generate with wooden pillars for support if needed. ...