盔甲座(Armor Stand)是一種具有多種生物特性,可以用於擺放和展示可穿戴物品的實體。 盔甲座可以透過攻擊破壞(空手需快速攻擊兩次),跌落自身。 在Java版中,盔甲座可以在針葉林村莊中的武器庫結構裡找到,其上還會備有盔甲。 被放置的盔甲座是一種實體,受重力影響,可
minecraft:rabbit_hide 兔子皮 minecraft:armor_stand 盔甲架 minecraft:iron_horse_armor 铁马铠 minecraft:golden_horse_armor 金马铠 minecraft:diamond_horse_armor 钻石马铠 minecraft:lead 拴绳 minecraft:name_tag 命名牌 minecraft:command_block_minecart 命令方块矿车 minecraft:mutton 生羊肉 minecraft:cooked_mutto...
armor_stand = 盔甲架 arrow = 箭 bat = 蝙蝠 bee = 蜜蜂 blaze = 烈焰人 boat = 船 cat = 猫 cave_spider = 洞穴蜘蛛 chicken = 鸡 cow = 牛 creeper = 苦力怕 dolphin = 海豚 goat = 山羊 panda = 熊猫 donkey = 驴 dragon_fireball = 末影龙火球 drowned = 溺尸 egg = 鸡蛋 elder_guardian ...
execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~~~ tp @e[type=arrow] @e[r=5,type=!armor_stand,family=monster,c=1](延迟5,这个单纯是为了视觉效果) 如果是国际服可以加一个近战的指令 execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~~~ damage @e[r=1,family=monster,c=1] 10 entity_attack entity @e[type=armor_stand] r...
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Small:true}05、杀不死的盔甲架 Marker这个标签,会将盔甲架的NBT的碰撞箱缩小到一个令人发指的程度。无论是剑、弓箭,甚至是TNT也无法将他炸裂!唯一可以杀死它的方法就是kill指令。不死盔甲架召唤指令:/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Marker:true} 06、...
A Minecraft Armor Stand is a wonderful way to visually display your most glamorous Armor and equipment. Though they serve no functional purpose, they make great decorations for your builds, and can even stand in for NPC characters if you want to create an RPG-style world. Here’s everythin...
you can reverse this by changing the name of the armor stand or taking away all its armor and items. Crafting recipe: This addon also comes with a custom crafting recipe for name tags because you need them to get the invisible armor stands. You can toggle the recipe on or off in the ...
What is armor stand盔甲架:一种可以在游戏中放置玩家各种盔甲的"实体"。如同镇楼图一般,盔甲架拥有"存储"盔甲的能力,并且可以做成类似于稻草人的样式,像是古代门前的假守卫,同样可以用来装饰。如果拥有头,我们甚至可以做成特定生物或玩家的样子。利用一个发射器,可以将旗帜强制安装在盔甲架头盔那一栏。「悬浮旗帜...
①tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~ ~1 ~ ~100;(让盔甲架转起来)②effect @p[r=3] instant_damage 11 true;(赋予伤害)③effect @e[type=armor_stand] invisibility 1 1 true;(给盔甲架隐身)陷阱效果:好奇害死猫这句话是有道理的,但凡一个人在Minecraft看见这么个神奇的“手里剑”都想靠近看个究竟...
{"CONFIG_VERSION_DONT_TOUCH_THIS":2,"armorStandTool":"minecraft:flint",// Item that acts as editor, can be from a mod"requireIsArmorStandEditorTag":false,// Makes item require nbt tag isArmorStandEditor of item"holdingToolSpawnsParticles":true,// If true, player will see particles around...