Mobs that can wear equipment will now often spawn with enchanted weapons and armor 现在会生成带有附魔装备的生物 Armor enchantments include Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV 附魔包括保护 IV, 弹射物保护 IV 以及火焰保护 IV Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I...
Unbreaking-耐久让物品耗损更慢 /give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:fire_aspect",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:bane_of_arthropods",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:smite",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:2147483647},...
The combination of max_stack_size and max_damage components is no longer allowed in commands and data pack definitions max_stack_size 和 max_damage 的组合现在不再在命令方块以及数据包中支持 Added a new option body in entity equipment sub-predicate to match the item in the body armor slot of...
The resulting item has 5% more durability left than the original items combined, if the total durability of both of the armor pieces is more than the total durability that a piece of armor would have fresh from a crafting table, but any enchantments are lost. Repairing armor with an anvil ...
class ArmorSlotType(object): DEFAULT = -1 HEAD = 0 BODY = 1 LEG = 2 FOOT = 3 # AttrType描述 描述属性枚举值,用于attr属性组件 备注 ABSORPTION: 伤害吸收效果的量化值,详见wiki文档:伤害吸收 class AttrType(object): HEALTH = 0 SPEED = 1 DAMAGE = 2 UNDERWATER_SPEED = 3 HUNGER = 4 ...
Armor Enchants: Steadfast: Increase knockback resistance 1 level Increases knockback resistance by 2.5 (25%) Chestplate only Sturdy: Survive fatal damage once every 30m 1 level Chestplate only Phoenix Guard: You can't be set on fire 1 level, treasure enchantment ...
Armor is a category of items that provide players and certain mobs with varying levels of protection from common damage types, and appear graphically on the wearer (excluding non-humanoid wearers). These items include several different tiers of helmets,
杀死所有没有头盔的僵尸: /execute as @e[type=zombie] unless data entity @s ArmorItems[3].id run kill @s[仅Java版]历史 关于“命令/execute”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“命令/execute”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“命令/execute”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“命令/execute”的历史,...
8 enchantments 2 curses EnchantmentMax levelincompatibilities Lightweight 2 Juggernaught Juggernaught 2 Lightweight Poison Tipped 1 Cindering Shells Cindering Shells 1 Poison Tipped Illumination 1 Shell Shock Shell Shock 1 Illumination Armour Piercing 5 Hollow Point Hollow Point 5 Armour piercing Curse...
The equipement loots can be configured with the 3 item tags: "tombstone:lootable/armor", "tombstone:lootable/weapon" and "tombstone:lootable/tool". Knowledge of Death Players earns knowledge points each time they use a grave's soul to enchant an item, when they free a soul from a receptacle...