Although certain enchantments will be better for certain situations, you can follow our list here for thebest overall enchantments in Minecraft(for each piece of equipment). Best Minecraft Armor Enchantments The following enchantments can be used on all types of armor (Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings...
Mobs that can wear equipment will now often spawn with enchanted weapons and armor 现在会生成带有附魔装备的生物 Armor enchantments include Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV 附魔包括保护 IV, 弹射物保护 IV 以及火焰保护 IV Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I...
Enchantments provide everything from buffness and toughness to swiftness. You can also enchant them to be a Hellhound with extra health or you can create a Resurrection wolf that teleports back to you after it dies. If you’ve always wanted a dog as a pet, this may be your next best t...
1 for ench, 2 for AttributeModifiers, 4 for Unbreakable, 8 for CanDestroy, 16 for CanPlaceOn, and 32 for various other information (including potion effects, StoredEnchantments, written book generation and author, Explosion, and Fireworks).Examples: Setting bit field to 3 would hide both ench...
.添加了函数setl ore(lorelist: stringD): void -设置项目的知识文本 ●添加了函数getLore0: string0 .获取项目的知识文本●添加了nameTag属性 ●ItemEnchantmentComponent -添加 ●属性enchantments : EnchantmentLlst .获取此ItemStack 上当前附魔集的副本。或者允许用户为ItemStack设置EnchantmentList ...
·armor.*:包含armor.head、?armor.chest、?armor.legs、?armor.feed和armor.body。 ·player.cursor:创造模式物品栏外玩家的鼠标持有的物品。 ·player.crafting.0、?player.crafting.1、?player.crafting.2、?player.crafting.3和player.crafting.*:玩家物品栏中的合成栏。
Three new enchantments have been introduced that are unique to the Mace:同时引入了三种重锤独有的...
Fixed an issue where enchantments on ranged weapons on mobs were not being applied (MCPE-113623)...
Armor,Armor Thoughness > 护甲与护甲韧性,Additional Health > 附增血量,穿戴时,护甲可以给予穿戴者...
{id:"minecraft:skeleton",ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:diamond_boots",Count:1b},{id:"minecraft:diamond_leggings",Count:1b},{id:"minecraft:diamond_chestplate",Count:1b},{id:"minecraft:diamond_helmet",Count:1b}],HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:bow",Count:1b, enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:flame"...