UCHIJAAAAArmorStatusHUD{1.28} [ArmorStatusHUD] (【耐久显示】ArmorStatusHUD.jar) UCHIJAAAAcustomnpcs{1.7.10d} [CustomNpcs] (【自定义人物】CustomNPCs_1.7.10d.jar) UCHIJAAAAwarpbook{2.0.null} [Warp Book] (传送书-1.7.10_2.0.36.jar) UCHIJAAAAconvenientrecipes{1.3.1} [Convenient Recipes] (...
Wolf Armor shows signs of increased breakage as durability goes down 狼铠会随着耐久度的下降显示开裂...
- Golem Armor durability buffed >:| >:|- Golem Armor now gives +4 Armor Toughness (from +4.5, because I like even numbers idk)- Golem armor now uses steel as its repair/reforging material instead of Obsidian- Fixed and added repair recipes for all SRParasite weapons...
have a reduced HUD that does not show the crosshair, hotbar, XP, health, hunger, or armor ...
Trading Post [Forge & Fabric] Trading Post adds one simple block, which when used allows you to trade with all villagers in a configurable area at once in a single interface. The table looks really fancy and includes a neat animation when you come close!
Armadillo Scutes can be used to craft Wolf Armor 犰狳鳞甲可用于合成狼铠 Dispensers can be used to brush Armadillo Scutes off Armadillos 装有刷子的发射器可用于刷扫犰狳 WOLF ARMOR 狼铠 The Wolf Armor will protect the wolf from most damage sources until the armor loses all durability and breaks...
Crafty Craft for Minecraft™ is the best Addon, mods and skin creator for Minecraft™ PE. More than this Crafty Craft is a community for all Minecraft™ players t…
durability and amplifier. This would be amazing if you could add it to the individual armor pieces. Also I believe you should do something cool with enchants or atleast add a way so we could put a command on the armor when it is put on. A really big issue with the app i...
Vex Armor Trim 恼鬼盔甲纹饰 Spire Armor Trim 尖塔盔甲纹饰 Wither Skeleton Skull Skull Charge Banner Pattern Now that Wither Skeleton Skulls are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well 既然凋零骷髅头颅是稀有的,那么这些旗帜图案也应该是稀有的 ...
Comp500(Packwiz) LambdAurora(QSL,LambdaBetterGrass,LambDynamicLights) Patbox(Styled Nicknames,Styled Chat) Vazkii(Bliss) Infinidoge(Simple Durability Tooltip) Mod contributors and collaborators -Ampflower,Pug,LemmaEOF,Silver,Garden System,Kat, Aquaholic,Octal, Ami,Leo, Janet,Jasmine, and also we ...