奥术之门整合包 (ArcanaRPG) 奥术之门整合包以AoA(奥术之门)和ArcanaRPG为基础,提供了丰富多样的特性,包括但不限于:,维度和Boss,整合包提供了20多个维度和30多个Boss,为玩家提供了全新的探索和挑战 。敌人和结构,玩家将会面临众多敌人和结构,增加了游戏的多样性和挑战性 。地牢和生物群系,整合包中拥有丰富多样...
Modpacks Horror +4 View Install Urban Arcana ByPlatniumBoi 296 Modpacks The Arcane world needs more heroes 296 March 29, 2025 Modpacks Magic +3 View Install Dungeon Warfare ByFlashh 290 Modpacks An RPG-style modpack, based on dungeons and firearms!
Meet our latest Creator of the Month, responsible for the SkyFactory modpack series, which lets you view the world in a way you never have before! Tell me more All the Magic - Arcana The third installment of All The Magic! Powerful magic, monsters, and wondrous locations await your discov...
奥术之门整合包 (ArcanaRPG)以AoA和ArcanaRPG为基础,提供20多个维度、30多个Boss,丰富敌人、结构、地牢和生物群系,增强品质生活、装备修复与技能培养,优化游戏体验。Minecraft冒险整合包 (Adventurous Modpack)充满挑战性,通过敌人、生物群落、武器、附魔、经济系统与任务,提供全新游戏体验。面对令人兴奋...
Arcanaincreases the number of enchantments and makes rare enchantments more common. Stats form the basis of a much more involved enchanting system, instead of the set-and-forget enchanting tables of Vanilla. If you're wondering how you get these stats, look no further! Apotheosis adds a wealth...
My first attempt at a modpack, mainly for personal and friend use, but feel free to let me know how to improve. Inspired by RPGs like DnD, Pathfinder, and The Elder Scrolls, this modpack attempts to create a similar feeling in minecraft. Included are some magic mods like Astral Sorcery...
For Minecraft 1.9, 1.8, 1.7:Download MineCloud Shaders Mod Credit: Unknown | Source: None READ:Download Arcana RPG Mod Previous Post:« After Dusk Map for Minecraft (1.10.2/1.9.4) Next Post:Arrow Cam Mod for Minecraft (1.11/1.10.2/1.9.4) »...
他们是神圣RPG团队中某人的朋友。 message.spawner.item=你必须持有 %s 才能召唤这个Boss! tooltip.uses=%s 剩余耐久 tooltip.harvest=挖掘等级: + tooltip.harvest=采掘等级: + tooltip.uses.infinite=无限使用 tooltip.heals=使用时治疗 %s 颗心 tooltip.arcana=消耗 %s 魔力 @@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ tool...
Meet our latest Creator of the Month, responsible for the SkyFactory modpack series, which lets you view the world in a way you never have before! Tell me more All the Magic - Arcana The third installment of All The Magic! Powerful magic, monsters, and wondrous locations await your discov...
Meet our latest Creator of the Month, responsible for the SkyFactory modpack series, which lets you view the world in a way you never have before! Tell me more All the Magic - Arcana The third installment of All The Magic! Powerful magic, monsters, and wondrous locations await your discov...