吮指回味,自在滋味(有了Mine~craft,生活好滋~味)! "Finger-lickin' good"(好吃到让你舔手指)是肯德基曾沿用50年的经典广告语。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 139 Thematic!主旋律! Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 140 Pneumatic!气动! 气动,即“以空气为动力”。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 ...
Stone-type slabs require a pickaxe to mine. Cut copper slabs require at least a stone pickaxe. Wooden slabs can be mined with anything, but an axe is quickest. Unlike stairs, many stone-type slabs have different hardness values (and thus, breaking time) compared to their full-block count...
But all we could manage is sneaking into this April Fools' Snapshot. 但我们所有能做的就只是潜入到愚人节快照之中。 And now you've discovered us. 现在你已经发现了我。 Do you have an idea how difficult it is to write Java code? 你知道敲Java代码有多难吗? It's not as simple as copying...
SkySom - 模组开发者 第一次开始模组开发是为了保持Better than Wolves(比狼好)与Railcraft(铁路工艺)之间的兼容性,第二次是为了RF Carts,大体上就是把Minecraft模组丢到一起然后为整合作者提供帮助而准备的特殊模组。 模组 ContentTweaker - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/contenttweaker MoarCarts - ht...
当前 Template:OS/switch(查看源代码) Template:Outdated(查看源代码) Template:Outdated feature(查看源代码) Template:Quote(查看源代码) Template:Reddit(查看源代码) Template:Reflist(查看源代码) Template:STConversion(查看源代码) Template:See also(查看源代码) ...
Enjin, our website host, has shut down all websites on their platform on April 30.The Galaxy-Craft server and community are still active! Even if you're not interested in playing right now, please join us on our Discord server so we can keep in touch.A new site will be launched in...
吮指回味,自在滋味(有了Mine~craft,生活好滋~味)! "Finger-lickin' good"(好吃到让你舔手指)是肯德基曾沿用50年的经典广告语。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 139 Thematic!主旋律! Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 140 Pneumatic!气动! 气动,即“以空气为动力”。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 ...
吮指回味,自在滋味(有了Mine~craft,生活好滋~味)! "Finger-lickin' good"(好吃到让你舔手指)是肯德基曾沿用50年的经典广告语。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 139 Thematic!主旋律! Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 140 Pneumatic!气动! 气动,即“以空气为动力”。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 ...
But all we could manage is sneaking into this April Fools' Snapshot. 但我们所有能做的就只是潜入到愚人节快照之中。 And now you've discovered us. 现在你已经发现了我。 Do you have an idea how difficult it is to write Java code?
吮指回味,自在滋味(有了Mine~craft,生活好滋~味)! "Finger-lickin' good"(好吃到让你舔手指)是肯德基曾沿用50年的经典广告语。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 139 Thematic!主旋律! Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 140 Pneumatic!气动! 气动,即“以空气为动力”。 Alpha v1.0.0 0.7.3 ...