All unelevated server commands (no op required to run, but can be disabled with /disable): NEW:/anvil A portable anvil! /ascend Go up a level. NEW:/back Teleports you to the last location you were at. NEW:/craft A portable crafting table! /cyclepainting Change the type of the paint...
最早的已知NBT格式版本是Minecraft Beta1.3中引入的19132;随着Anvil的引入,增加了一个整型数组变量,...
Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to rename a map on an anvil while its second slot ...
v1.2.0preview With the addition of biomes, the color of leaves have been changed. Leaves no longer decay. v1.2.1 Leaf breaking particle colors now reflect the biome, instead of the grayscale texture. v1.2.3 Leaf decay has been re-introduced. ...
supports style code starts with & . 支持以 & 开头的样式代码,即16种颜色。 supports hex color code like Bccff if running above 1.16. 如果运行在1.16及以上版本,还支持r!g!b!(使用形如 Bccff 的样式代码) permission(权限) —— modify item name.(修改物品名称。) loreanvil...
v1.2.0preview With the addition of biomes, the color of leaves have been changed. Leaves no longer decay. v1.2.1 Leaf breaking particle colors now reflect the biome, instead of the grayscale texture. v1.2.3 Leaf decay has been re-introduced. ...
| minecraft version = {{verlink|1.8.1}} and every newer one using MCAnvil | website = | notes = MapRend renders a top down map of Worlds saved in the Minecraft Anvil format. It generates the used colorset from a resource pack, can render da...
格式化代码(Formatting code),又称颜色代码(Color code),能使在游戏中加入含颜色和格式信息。 在Minecraft中,可以用分节符号(§)产生带色文字。 于Windows中,按Alt + NUMPAD0NUMPAD1NUMPAD6NUMPAD7或Alt + NUMPAD4NUMPAD1NUMPAD4NUMPAD5NUMPAD2。 于m
{FrontPageLink|id=anvil|Anvil mechanics}} *{{FrontPageLink|id=brush|Archaeology}} <p style="margin-top:0;">'''[[Tutorials]]'''</p> *{{FrontPageLink|id=player|Tutorials#Newcomers|New player}} *{{FrontPageLink|id=water|Tutorials#General|General}} *{{FrontPageLink|id=apple|Tutorials#Items...
Pocket UI Profile not being displayed修复了Pocket UI下的附魔选项不会正确显示的问题Fixed a bug where items could be dropped by clicking in the dark gray area of the left side of player inventory when using Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, Enchant Table, Grindstone, Brewing Stand, Anvil, Beacon...