Animated Items and Blocks! 16:36 Minecraft - 自定义水&岩浆纹理! Custom Water and Lava Textures! 10:46 Minecraft - 随机替换纹理! Randomized Alternate Textures! 17:27 Minecraft -如何创建自定义物品纹理! How To Add Custom Item Textures! 17:01 Minecraft - 添加自定义盔甲&鞘翅&光效纹理!
Animated block and item textures ✔️ ✔️ Animated entity and armor textures ❌ ✔️ Animated sun and moon textures ❌ ✔️ Animated GUI textures ❌ ✔️ Animated pack icons ❌ ✔️ OptiFine animated texture pack support, no OptiFine necessary ❌ ✔️ Defining ...
Animated Blocks is a very useful Addon for Minecraft PE. With his help, more than 19 units will become animation. For example, when you're melting in the furnace, it will show the animation of burning/melting; on top of the TNT block to play animatio...
AnimatedGeoModel; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; public class WhiplashModel extends AnimatedGeoModel<WhiplashEntity> { //指定geo模型文件地址 @Override public ResourceLocation getModelLocation(WhiplashEntity object) { return new ResourceLocation(Main.MODID, "geo/whiplash.geo.json"); } //指定...
During this night, Red is awoken by one of their two parrots due to a sudden change of the world around them and themselves. It is then revealed that Yellow discovered a shortcut to the Minecraft textures folder and began shuffling them around. ...
Animated Textures: Armor made from blocks with an animated texture will also have an animated texture. Set Effects: While wearing at least the number of pieces required for set effects (specified in config), certain armor sets gain special effects and bonuses!
Added event events.itemStartCharge– Sent when the player first starts using a charging/animated item 添加事件events.itemStartCharge——当玩家第一次开始使用一个充能/活动的物品时发送 Added event events.itemCompleteCharge- Sent when the item has completed its charge action 添加事件events.itemCompleteCha...
public class WhiplashModel extends AnimatedGeoModel<WhiplashEntity> { //指定geo模型文件地址 @Override public ResourceLocation getModelLocation(WhiplashEntity object) { return new ResourceLocation(Main.MODID, "geo/whiplash.geo.json"); } //指定贴图文件地址 ...
Items with this tag display the names of the blocks that they can destroy in the item tooltipExample: /give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]} to give a diamond shovel that can break grass and sandPutting an invalid item name in will ...
textures Added 3D model for Pale Oak Fence and Fence Gate Added Creaking Heart animated textures and an emissive layer for the Active Creaking Heart Check out the full changelog list in the download page for all the changes Join the Dandelion Discord, share builds, share Pale Oak ideas and ...