更真实的动物 better animal models1.10.2 1.12 1.14-1.16https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-animal-models 更多动物 better Animals Plus(better animal models拓展包)1.12-1.16https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus 更多生物 Mo' Creatures1.7-1.8 1.10 1.12 https://...
[BA+]更多动物(Better Animals Plus)Mod [Better Animals Plus]是[Better Animal Models]的拓展mod,但可以完全独立工作。BA+致力于为你的世界带来新的生命和生物,与类似的MOD相比,本模组具有自己的美妙之处。BA+增加了许多中立生物,敌对生物,甚至还有一个BOSS。动物不是BA+的终点。接下来将会有更多的内容... ...
Better Animal Models -https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-animal-models Better Animals Plus -https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus Better Diving -https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-diving ...
This mod will add more than 200+ new animals to minecraft; all these animals exist on real life. JOIN THE SERVER ON DISCORD: https://discord.gg/mrMFYJkfTE ANIMAL INFOS ARE ON WIKI: https://glhassumpcao4.wixsite.com/wizardanimalwiki Version 3.0 is OUT! for minecraft 1.20.1!!! ATTENTIO...
Animal Bikes Forge 一款多人游戏mod,允许你骑Minecraft中的生物. 通用 查看 Applied Energistics 2 Forge 科技mod,它加入了一套完整的存储体系,以及延伸出的其他比如自动化的强大功能. 通用 查看 Archimedes’ Ships Forge 合成创造属于你自己的船,你可以跨越海洋,翱翔天空. 通用 查看 Armor Smelter Forge 允许你将...
坐骑-forge animalbikes client 1.2.5一件整理mod(按F键整理)InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4我的工厂mod(有传送带那个)-MineFactoryReloaded_Client_1.5.2大魔王mod/奴仆mod(大概是2级后做一件坏事,做4件就可以拿到召唤奴仆的法杖)-Minions_client_1.2.5http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1523057854?pid=18861306460&cid=0,...
You can also grow horses in no time! All the animals start off as babies but will have normal growth patterns once “harvested”. Polar bears and villagers are also growable. Plus this mod has the ability to apply any mob with a spawn egg to be plantable by adding it in the config ...
Animal Squid = 17 | WaterAnimal Rabbit = 18 | Animal Bat = 19 | Ambient IronGolem = 20 | PathfinderMob SnowGolem = 21 | PathfinderMob Ocelot = 22 | TamableAnimal Horse = 23 | EquineAnimal PolarBear = 28 | Animal Llama = 29 | Animal Parrot = 30 | TamableAnimal Dolphin = 31 ...