在 10 月 16 号举行Minecraft Live的时候,就来Twitter投票吧!这次盛会在北美东部夏令时间中午开始,更多详情请访问 Minecraft.net/live 。 【广药二世译自官网 2021 年 10 月 12 日发布的 Mob Vote 2021 Allay;原作者 Sofia Dankis】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX】 【本帖转自https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-12688...
1.一种小巧的蓝色飞行生物。 2.长有与恼鬼相似的双翼。 3.会被音符盒的乐声吸引,也会随着音乐起舞。 4.若玩家给出某种物品,它会在已加载的区块中寻找其他相同或相似的掉落物,并将其放在玩家或音符盒的附近。 ALLAY铜傀儡(Copper Golem) 1.一种全身由铜组成的生物。 2.头顶有一根避雷针形的天线,可以吸引闪...
Finally, last year as of writing, in 2021 another Mob Vote was announced and this time included three brand new mobs we'd never heard of. They were the Glare, a small ghost-like mob that detected low light levels, the Allay, a fairy-like mob that collected items and brought them back...
Minecraft Live 2021: Vote For The Next New Mob! Who will get your vote this year? The darkness seeking glare, the player-built copper golem, or the dancing collector allay? Tune in to Minecraft Live on October 16 at noon ... Introducing Minecraft Plus!
Allay 悦灵 The winner of the Minecraft Live 2021 Mob Vote is flying into Minecraft! Instantly ...
Take an early look at archaeology and the sniffer mob with experimental features 通过实验性功能抢先...
log: false global-limit: enable: false # The max distance no mob pathfinding should exceed. # You always want this to be higher than your highest max distance # for a specific mob. max-target-distance: 20.0 custom-limits: enable: true entities: SKELETON: 6.0 WITHER: 8.0 WITHER_SKELETON...
Allay 悦灵 The winner of the Minecraft Live 2021 Mob Vote is flying into Minecraft! Instantly recognizable by its luminous blue sheen, you won’t lose this mob once you find it. Hand it an item and it will pick up matching items it finds in the world. It loves music and will drop ...
With Minecraft Mob Vote 2021 coming, you may be wondering which of the three unveiled mobs you should vote for: the Glare, the Allay, or the Copper Golem.
Similarly to the Glare, the first mob to be announced for this player vote, theAllayis a rather adorable flying creature that’s already got a worryingly large amount of fan art over on theMinecraft subreddit. This may be because, unlike theGlaremob, the Allay appears to be rather very ...