Minecraft has around 40 enchantments across all of its weapons, tools, and armor. This makes it difficult to decide which ones you need, especially since the Enchanting Table adds random enchantments to your gear. If you're not sure which ones to go for, our list goes over all of the be...
The total enchantments players can put on a sword inMinecraftis 8.This includes both regular enchantments as well as one of the curse enchantments. However, 10 enchantments can be used to boost theMinecraftsword. Here are all the enchantments available for swords inMinecraft: Bane of Arthropods ...
give @s minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:100s},{id:"minecraft:sweeping",lvl:100},{id:"minecraft:looting",lvl:100}],Unbreakable:true}这就是给予自己一个锋利100,横扫之刃100,抢夺100并且无限耐久的钻石剑数字id不能使用了以后,就有了一个严重的问题:各种附魔到底该...
金剑 /give @p minecraft:golden_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:32767},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:32767}, {id:"minecraft:looting",lvl:32767},{id:"minecraft:mending",lvl:32767},{id:"minecraft:sweeping",lvl:32767},{id:"minecraft:unbreaking",lvl:32767},{id:"minecraft:fi...
Damage-Boosting Enchantments Sharpness is a must-have enchantment that increases your melee damage. This enchantment provides a general boost to your sword’s effectiveness against all types of mobs, making it highly versatile. Smite specifically targets undead mobs such as zombies and skeletons. It ...
Sword Enchantments Bane of Arthropods Bane of Arthropods, sometimes referred to as BoA, is a common enchantment for swords, which can also be applied to axes via an anvil. Bane of Arthropods affects all classified by science to have an exoskeleton. In-game, it affects spiders, cave spiders,...
With the release of version 1.20 in Minecraft, there still remain 40 unique enchantments in the game. Here are 10 must-have upgrades for all gear.
Swords are go-to weapons for melee combat. The key is timing your strikes; spam-clicking reduces damage output. Learn to time your attacks to maximize damage and conserve durability. Enchantments like “Sharpness” and “Smite” boost your sword’s potency, while “Looting” increases loot drop...
Weapons are more complex than tools because they all have their own specific enchantments along with the general ones they all share. Screengrab via Mojang Sword Swords have a lot of helpful enchantments available only for them. Luckily, all of the best ones don’t conflict. ...
As previously stated, players can stack enchantments on all of their weapons, including swords. The number of enchantments that can be added to a sword, theoretically, has no real limit. This means that players can enchant their sword with any enchantment they want to make it stronger but thi...