/playsound命令要求source参数,指定声音所属的分类,以归入音量控制。 在命令方块中运行/help命令时,会在“上一个输出”中随机显示诙谐的语句。 16w03a /achievement命令不再影响统计数据。 16w07a 加入了游戏规则disableElytraMovementCheck。 1.9.3pre1 /tp命令不再将玩家传送至-512<y<512以外的区域。 pre2 加入...
/fill Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block. Game Directors Yes /fog Add or remove fog settings file. Game Directors Yes /function Runs commands found in the corresponding function file. Game Directors Yes /gamemode Sets a player's game mode. See more in the Popular Comman...
Commands '/playsound'commands now play the sound correctly for all players in range '/effect' command duration is now capped at 1,000,000 seconds (MCPE-92916) Add ticking area commands performed in the same tick now disallow adding areas with the same name twice Placeholder text message for ...
Rather than halving all damage dealt to tamed Wolves by entities other than Players or Arrows, as...
All of these above conditions do not apply for music played with the /playsound command. As such, a second track may play overlapping the one played with commands. If the player is on the menu screen, a random menu track starts playing after 1 to 30 seconds. ...
playMusic playSound queueMusic resetLevel sendMessage setGameMode setSpawnPoint startItemCooldown stopMusic addExperience addExperience(amount: number): number Adds/removes experience to/from the Player and returns the current experience of the Player. ...
playSound(soundId: string, location: Vector3, soundOptions?: WorldSoundOptions): void Plays a sound for all players. Parameters soundId:string Identifier of the sound. location:Vector3 Location of the sound. soundOptions?:WorldSoundOptions=null ...
How to use Minecraft Bedrock commands? There are two ways one can use commands in Minecraft Bedrock (previously known as Minecraft PE). One simple way is by the use of a ‘chat window’. All you have to do is simply select the ‘Chat’ button to open the ‘Chat box’ and type in ...
Added new WorldSoundOptions and PlayerSoundOptions interface types for use with the world.playSound and player.playSound respectively 加入了 WorldSoundOptions 和PlayerSoundOptions 接口类别以分别利用 world.playSound 和player.playSound World.playSound now requires a location argument World.playSound 现在需要...
MC-95554 — 命令/playsound中的Tab ↹键补全功能工作不正确。 MC-95910 — 中间有非空气方块时,不能激活末地传送门。 MC-95973 — 成年马或驴的寻路问题:在特定配置中,1格高被视为“不可遍历”的地形。 MC-95982 —在/playsound命令中使用无效的声音类别导致玩家被服务器踢出。 MC-96131 — /execute命...