Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Pillager? This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid...
The Wiki is about Minecraft Mobs from all versions of the game, including PC, Console Edition, Pocket Edition, and even Story Mode. We even have information about the various mobs of the game! You can also find information about mods that allow you to spawn vanilla mobs that are not coded...
The Battle of Pillager, Illager and Villager use ww2 weapon too fight! Some Mobs use kar, m4a1, heavy machine gun, and also mortar!Most of cool things,they are will like Battle Royal Games.This is why we call this addon, The Battle of Pillager. The Battle of Pillager, an collaboration...
Villagers are passive mobs that inhabit villages, work at their professions, breed, and interact with each other. Adult villagers' outfits vary according to their occupation and biome. A player can trade with them using emeralds as currency. They are als
Animated mobs list: Version 1.0: Villager Iron Golem Witch Vindicator Evoker Pillager Ravager + Version 1.1: Creeper Zombie Husk Zombie Villager Skeleton ...
MC-147880- Pillager Outposts don't generate in snowy biomes 雪原不生成掠夺者前哨站 MC-147890- Hostile mobs are not spawning 不生成怪物 MC-148165- Bow with Flame Enchantment does not Activate TNT when Hit on the Top 火矢不会点燃TNT,如果射到上表面 ...
Pillager Outpost: Sentry Armor Trim 掠夺者前哨站:哨兵盔甲纹饰 Desert Pyramid: Dune Armor Trim 沙漠神殿:沙丘盔甲纹饰 Shipwreck: Coast Armor Trim 沉船:沙滩盔甲纹饰 Jungle Temple: Wild Armor Trim 丛林神庙:荒野盔甲纹饰 Ocean Monument: Tide Armor Trim 海底神殿:潮汐盔甲纹饰 Ancient City: Ward and Silen...
false # 是否关闭爆炸带来的击退效果 all-chunks-are-slime-chunks: false # 史莱姆能否在所有区块生成 game-mechanics: disable-player-crits: false # 关闭玩家暴击 shield-blocking-delay: 5 # 盾牌被斧子击中后的禁用时间 disable-chest-cat-detection: false # 猫在箱子上时能否开启箱子 disable-pillager-patrol...
Create fantastic and interesting fights using these sticks. Edit entity components like Scale, health, movement and name Create fights of riders using the stick 'rider setter' e.g: A skeleton riding a spider vs a Pillager riding a ravager or custom entities ...
Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in chests and items dropped in the world). All block IDs that do not have a gray background in this page are also valid item IDs. There are also entity IDs for entities such as mobs and projectiles. Contents...