In Minecraft, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantments for Minecraft Ja
加入了函数setLore(loreList: string[]): void。 加入了函数getLore(): string[]。 加入了nameTag属性。 设置物品的词缀文本。 获取物品的词缀文本。 表示可应用于物品的魔咒合集。 构造器EnchantmentList(slot : EnchantSlot) 只读属性slot: EnchantSlot 只读属性allEnchantments: EnchantmentInstance[] 方法canAddEnc...
.添加了函数setl ore(lorelist: stringD): void -设置项目的知识文本 ●添加了函数getLore0: string0 .获取项目的知识文本●添加了nameTag属性 ●ItemEnchantmentComponent -添加 ●属性enchantments : EnchantmentLlst .获取此ItemStack 上当前附魔集的副本。或者允许用户为ItemStack设置EnchantmentList ●方法rermovell...
Minecraft has around 40 enchantments across all of its weapons, tools, and armor. This makes it difficult to decide which ones you need, especially since the Enchanting Table adds random enchantments to your gear. If you're not sure which ones to go for, our list goes over all of the be...
Minecraft {Mob Tier List} 1.17 {Mobs} + Minecraft Earth Mobs 59 Aphmau MyStreet Characters ONLY! Minecraft Music Discs 33 DreamTeamMinecraftWorldSkins 14 All versions of minecraft 35 All Minecraft Enchantments 55 Minecraft Story Mode characters ...
EnchantmentsMinecraft Enchantment List Sword Enchantment List Bow Enchantment List Helmet/Cap Enchantment List Chestplate Enchantment List Leggings Enchantment List Boots Enchantment List Compass Enchantment List Fishing Rod Enchantment List Axe Enchantment List Pickaxe Enchantment List Shovel Enchantment List Hoe ...
Apotheosis leans into Minecraft's approach to magic instead of replacing it, by enhancing everything from potions to enchanting. You'll be able to craft potions you can turn on and off in the form of charms, create powerful new enchantments based on what arcane objects you can surround your...
publicabstractclassEnchantment{publicstaticfinalEnchantment[]enchantmentsList=newEnchantment[256];/** The...
getEnchantments(): Enchantment[] Gets all enchantments on the item stack. ReturnsEnchantment[] - Returns a list of enchantments on the item stack. Notes: This function can throw errors. hasEnchantment hasEnchantment(enchantmentType: EnchantmentType | string): boolean ...
The map spawns a variety of hostile mobs, including creepers, skeletons, zombies, and more. You only have a few minutes to build a base and get ready before the action-packed fights kick-off. There are a variety of kits and enchantments that can help you in the later stages of this ma...