一款好用到爆的AI搜索工具! Minecraft基岩版模组大全(附导入&汉化&转换等教程) (484/486) 自动连播 1032.4万播放 简介 订阅合集 [游戏]我的世界国际版全版本下载方式(IOS,Android,Windows) 03:52 [模组导入教程][补发]我的世界手机版模组导入最简易的教程 01:50 [导入模组教程]最全导入Addon教程 07:04 ...
[Addon]我的世界基岩版终极植物大战僵尸PVZ模组V1.0.1(附下载链接)/植物僵尸更新/优质3D动作/完美还原/我的世界植物大战僵尸MOD 02:26 [Addon]我的世界基岩版寄生虫畸变100天同款模组/生物还原度极高/建模生效复刻完美/国际版寄生虫模组 05:47 [Addon]我的世界基岩版修补匠工艺V2.6(主包+军械拓展包+原版盔...
A private modpack focused mainly on technology mods such as Create and Mekanism, with some magic and exploration mods also included. Built for Minecraft 1.18.2. Designed for a small private server in which the goal of players is to build up civilizations, competing, cooperating, trading, or e...
- fixed flint chest error causing underneath crashv1.9 2.1:- Adjusted description to be "Special RLCraft Dregora addition, does not work without the RLCraft Dregora modpack."v1.9 alpha 2.3:- add spawners under chests instead of seperate (underneath)- Upload Underneath v1.2#Underneath ^...
★ Chat Synchronisation: Global chat between the same modpack on AU/US/EU servers are synchronised so you can talk to players on either server. Discord chat integration is also available on all servers! ★ Regular Backups: All our servers are backed up regularly to ensure maximum reliability ...
Texture Pack的翻译已改为“纹理包” 铁镐镐 【公告】Texture Pack的翻译已从“材质包”更改为“纹理包”。 在计算机图形学中,Texture一直被翻译为“纹理”,方块表面的贴图便是一种纹理位图。而Material在图形学中一直被翻译为“材质”,指的是物体对光交互时的属性。而在Minecraft中,无论是Texture Pack还是Texture...
Heart of the Machine is Crusader Kings for speculative sci-fi nerds, flipping the script on the cult AI War series I spent too long playing the Cyberpunk 2077 mod that turns V's hands into feet, and now I genuinely think it's what's great about PC gaming I'm genuinely stunned by th...
1.4当封面 分享109473 重装机兵吧 碧心✨ 其实像1代这种开放世界类游戏最好的出路是随机生成在保证2D的基础上,参考Minecraft 1.地图随机生成化、怪物、赏金首、村庄、剧情AI随机区域生成化; 2.因地图随机,增加船、飞机,或坦克主炮轰击开路、火箭加速等类似设定,遇山开山遇水渡水遇洞钻洞; 3.开放MOD,支持加载...
The skeletons of the Overlord mod come with various AI modes as well for when you don’t want to control them directly. First is the Stationed mode that cause them to hold their ground, second is the Follower mode that’ll make them follow you wherever you go and last is the Wander ...
1.12?Minecraft1.12+沙漠生存 炮姐镇楼 mmp我找了七个图有5个都宽度超过限制 分享89664 minecraftpe吧 天垂边的杏花 【连载】UIPack Desert 开发记录UIPack Desert 是由 UIPack Team 成员 Wei-Jin Tzeng、Kevin Zheng 和我共同制作的一款为 Minecraft 带来令人惊叹的新介面的材质。 +1 分享376 minecraft吧 AXE...