The Aether consists of many new accessible features, most of which are explained in the original forum post for the Aether Collaboration Mod. A brief overview of this content includes: A Hostile Paradise in the sky: the Aether dimension! Just make sure not to fall off of it, or you’ll ...
Minecraft aether 2 wiki crafting recipes allRecipes
Treecapitator 砍树: 需要手动将魔戒mod中的树添加进该mod的配置文件,否则不会生效 需要附属mod才可使功能完全生效的mod 请附上相应的附属mod链接 传承版 Agricraft 农业工艺: 需添加附属mod,以使魔戒mod中的农作物可以种植在该mod中的物品上。 Forestry 林业mod: 需添加附属mod,以使魔戒mod中的树可以在该mod中的...
The Book of Lore, complete with an entry for every block and item in the mod. An accessory system with a unique GUI that lets you utilize the loot you discover. Mobs both reminiscent of the Overworld and unique to the Aether. Moas: a flying mob mount with different tiers of differing ...
探索 当前 Minecraft Wiki 中文玩家社区 运用文本文档编写和运行多行命令。 世界格式(Java版、基岩版) 对世界存储方式的简单介绍。 资源包 深入定制Minecraft的纹理、模型、音效、文本等。 数据包 自主定义Java版的进度、维度、战利品表、配方、结构等。
The Aether, a popular mod released in 2011 created by Kingbdogz. The Aether is similar to the unimplemented sky dimension. The Twilight Forest, another popular dimension mod. A tamed kangaroo with netherite armor from the mod Alex's Mobs. The Macaw's Bridges mod adds bridges to the ...
i wish this mod added a skyroot bowl into the game for recipes! its impossible to get a bowl in the aether and my friends are doing a one way challenge were we go in and dont come out, and we dont want to bring any overworld items with us!sacri...
This addon brings back, or gives life to a lot of scrapped, unused, and even concepted content and features from The Aether's past Alex's Mobs Alex's Mobs is a Forge mod that adds 89 new mobs to Minecraft. All of these mobs fall into either two categories: most of them are real ...
(注:玩家常说的,以太、天堂、天境等等,都是指The Aether——天境模组)03 为什么“天堂门”会成为一代人的回忆?天堂模组诞生于2011年意味着什么?意味着几乎国内所有的玩家,包括最老的那一批几乎都伴随着天堂门而成长至今。早些年,尤其是萌新时代缺乏《我的世界》教程时代,MOD并不像现在这样的人人皆知。(...