]); craftingTable.addShaped("shaped84", <item:create_tools_and_armor:refined_chestplate_leggings>, [ [<item:create:refined_radiance>, <item:create:polished_rose_quartz>, <item:create:refined_radiance>], [<item:create:refined_radiance>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:create:refined_radiance>]...
Collection of best Minecraft Add-Ons! • All Add-Ons fully tested, and repackaged as needed. • Compilation of the best and unique Add-Ons available. • Will be u…
Open the game world and test the changes. Download Fortnite Guns & Potions Minecraft PE Mod 1.20, 1.19.70(7.42 Mb) 07 Apr 2018 Views:25689|Tags:Weapons & Armor Addons - Mods MCPE,.McPack Behavior Packs Addons MCPE,Items Blocks Tools Addons Mods MCPE ...
So I downloaded this and bought premium so I had access to the really good AddonsForMCPE. When I bought the premium I expected all the mods to work because it’s premium mods the better Minecraft mod is awful btw do not install it or try to get the mod the armor and weapons cannot...
我的世界1.20.1堆叠护甲装饰 Stacked Armor Trims Mod下载 2023年8月18日MOD大全0 堆叠护甲装饰 Stacked Armor Trims Mod由作者“”所制作。 Stacked Armor Trims允许你在同一件盔甲上不限数量地应用多个锻造模板提供的饰纹,而不是只能应用一种饰纹; 所有盔甲饰纹对应的名称均可在悬浮文本中 … ...
Master creates MCPE addons, creative warrior customizable player models, aesthetic furniture, weapons, vehicles and all official resource packs for the base Minecraft game. All in MAM AddOns Maker for Minecraft PE! If you still wonder how to make addons Minecraft Bedrock? How to make Minecraft ...
It add10 weapons (11 for 1.20),18 skills (27 in 1.20),4 armors (artefacts)and1 enchantement ( and 1 entity in 1.20). There is also gamerules that: Make mob stronger the further they are. Mobs that have more than 20 health have a chance to drop emeralds and more xp. (no more us...
提供海量我的世界装备工具和武器mod大全,Minecraft工具mod下载,希望广大玩家喜欢。 我的世界1.16.5-1.15.2 Seeker Compass Mod下载 2022年8月25日MOD大全0 Seeker Compass Mod由作者“SmellyModder”所制作。 Seeker Compass加入了一个用于跟踪包括玩家在内的任何实体的指南针。 要跟踪实体,只需对着指定实体右击即可。
The purpose of the Marines Armor and Weapons Mod is, as the name suggests, to add a lot of weapons and armor to Minecraft that players can use to get an edge over their opponents. There’s a pretty insane variety of these available, and the mod provides its players with all the tools...
Two enchantments stand above the rest if you want to enchant all of your tools, weapons, and armor in Minecraft. These can be added to everything from pickaxes to boots and Elytra. Their versatility and convenience make them the best overall enchantments in the game. Screenshot by Pro Game...