add(Attributes.SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS_CHANCE); // 生成 } } 这里的代码意思是继承了Minecraft中僵尸的生物实体,并更改了一些实体属性,如追踪范围,移动速度,攻击力等。 EntityModel类 第一步,在我们新创建的model包里面创建一个EntityModel类 第二步,编写代码 public class ZombiePlusModel<T extends ZombiePlus...
add(Attributes.SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS_CHANCE); // 生成 } } 这里的代码意思是继承了Minecraft中僵尸的生物实体,并更改了一些实体属性,如追踪范围,移动速度,攻击力等。 EntityModel类 第一步,在我们新创建的model包里面创建一个EntityModel类 第二步,编写代码 public class ZombiePlusModel<T extends ZombiePlusEntity...
foodmodmorefood/more_food/lang en_us.json zh_cn.json modmenu/modmenu/lang en_us.json zh_cn.json modrinth-additionalentityattributes/additionalentityattributes/lang en_us.json zh_cn.json modrinth-minerally/minerally/lang en_us.json zh_cn.json modrinth-nvidium/nvidium/lang ...
Data Attributes is a Minecraft mod, initially released for Minecraft 1.17.1 using the Fabric ecosystem. The mod does two things: overhauls Minecraft's entity attribute system to be more dynamic and to include follow on attributes (something found in many other games); and exposes entity attribut...
1.新建entity文件夹 -> 文件夹中新建一个model文件夹,一个render文件夹,一个我们的生物类(以EntityRe8Dimi.java为例) 我们本次要制作一个boss类怪物,类似于凋零,具有boss血条 packagecom.joy187.re8joymod.entity;importjava.util.Random;importjava.util.function.Predicate;importjavax.annota...
Added an Event allowing additional tileentitybehaviour objects to be attached to STEs from outside Added behavioural registry for Spout/Block interaction Fixed modlist lookup for non-english locales Added a contraption movement setting registry Made checks previously checking only spawner movement setting ...
Attributes: Sets custom ranges for entity attributes Auto Jump Replacement: Replaces auto jump with an increased step height (singleplayer only) Auto Save Interval: Configurable interval in ticks between world auto saves Auto Switch Tools: Switches the selected hotbar slot to a proper tool if requ...
{statuseffect} - replaces with the status effects of a player/entity. As of right now, only works in singleplayer. {horsestats} - replaces with the speed and jump attributes of a horse entity. Speed is converted to m/s, the jump value is raw. {rawhorsestats} - replaces with th...
Legacy Renewed The Lord of the Rings Mod has been through many updates since its first release in February 2013. Some of these updates were large, others small. Some were focused on one aspect of the Mod, while others were more "general" updates. Below i