添加玩家白名单的方法是:用有OP权限的玩家进入游戏,然后输入指令 /whitelist add 玩家名字 删除玩家白名单的方法是:用有OP权限的玩家进入游戏,然后输入指令 /whitelist remove 玩家名字 安装插件(plugins) 首先远程桌面进入服务器,下载好你想要的插件(通常是jar文件),将它复制到游戏服务器端目录的 plugins 文件夹下,...
As for setting up a whitelist on these kinds of servers, the Bedrock player must join beforehand. This allows the server to record their character’s name, so the command will work. After they’ve connected, simply run whitelist add .[player] in the console area. It’s important to have...
Now that whitelisting is enabled we can go to the console again. Once there issue the command "whitelist add username" or "whitelist remove username". Remember not to use the / when issuing the command in the console. note:If you have already OP'd yourself then you can issue this comman...
How to set up command shortcuts and aliases on HostingerHere’s how you can set up custom command shortcuts on a Minecraft server hosted with Hostinger:1. Access the server console by logging into your Hostinger hPanel and navigating to the Game Panel. Open the File Manager to access your...
...: resp = mcr.command("/whitelist add bob") ...: print(resp) While you can use it without the 'with' statement, you have to connect manually, and ideally disconnect: In [3]: mcr = MCRcon("", "sekret") In [4]: mcr.connect() In [5]: resp = mcr.command("/whitel...
/stop: This command saves the world and shuts down the server. /whitelist: This command manages the guest list. You can change the guest list with[add]or[remove].[list]shows all players on the whitelist and[reload]reloads the list if you have changed it outside the game. ...
whitelist.json 玩家白名单,若在主配置文件中开启了白名单,需要将白名单玩家添加到这里才能进入服务器 相当于相反的黑名单,不在名单上的不允许进入服务器 在游戏中使用/whitelist查看帮助,通常/whitelist add 玩家名 是添加玩家 /whitelist del 玩家名是移除玩家 ...
enforce-whitelist=false gamemode=survivalbroadcast-console-to-ops=true enable-query=false player-idle-timeout=0 difficulty=easyspawn-monsters=true broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true op-permission-level=4 pvp=truesnooper-enabled=true level-type=default ...
#Fri Jul3112:30:46CST2020spawn-protection=16max-tick-time=60000query.port=25565generator-settings=sync-chunk-writes=trueforce-gamemode=falseallow-nether=trueenforce-whitelist=falsegamemode=survival broadcast-console-to-ops=trueenable-query=falseplayer-idle-timeout=0difficulty=easy ...
whitelist.json 玩家白名单,若在主配置文件中开启了白名单,需要将白名单玩家添加到这里才能进入服务器 相当于相反的黑名单,不在名单上的不允许进入服务器 在游戏中使用/whitelist查看帮助,通常/whitelist add 玩家名 是添加玩家 /whitelist del 玩家名是移除玩家 ...