[免费下载]海绵宝宝追加内容-我的世界插件市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace Spongebob Squarepants Add-On 2395 1 1:14 App [免费下载]动物+-我的世界地图市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace Animals Plus 2373 1 33:43 App [免费下载]安全系统追加内容-我的世界插件市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace Secu...
我的世界1.20动物世界模组V1.3.7汉化版(附下载链接)/World Animals Addon 04:56 [Addon][拓展包]变身为野生动物?1.20动物世界拓展变形模组V1.0.0汉化版(附下载链接)/World Animals Morph Addon 02:53 [Addon]我的世界1.20仇恨控制器|生物编辑&突袭|生物战斗V14.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Mob Battles Addon 01:...
Collection of best Minecraft Add-Ons! • All Add-Ons fully tested, and repackaged as needed. • Compilation of the best and unique Add-Ons available. • Will be u…
Animals: Populate your Minicraft world with our animal mods. From wild beasts, adorable pets to mythical creatures, create a bustling ecosystem within your game. Let the animal kingdom reign! Shaders: Enrich your Minicraft visuals with our shaders mod category. Add realistic shadows, vibrant co...
Get creator-made add-ons, thrilling worlds, and stylish cosmetics on Minecraft Marketplace. Subscribe to Marketplace Pass (or Realms Plus) to access 150+ worlds, skin & textures packs, and more – refreshed monthly. Game details Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures...
TheRideable Beesmodis a unique way to add a little buzz to your world. Tame them with honey, and when you see the hearts, you can hop on for some sky-high adventure. Just remember that you’re heavy for a bee, and they can have a hard time going uphill with you aboard. You’ll...
Related:Crops Minecraft Needs To Add (& Why) There are 73 mobs inMinecraft,with three more being added as a part of update 1.17. However, there's still plenty of room for more animals. Some biomes still feel a bit bare and need a bit more attention in the mob department. And with ...
All types of Amethyst blocks (including Clusters) create beautiful sounds when you walk on them, ...
Unfortunately, this seed does not come with a certain famous song by Celine Dion, so you will have to add that yourself. Seed code:1045298416328037846 System:PC/Mac 9.The Jungle Temple of Diamonds and Bones Note:The loot is different in this seed depending on your platform. ...
Minecraft PE Addons (.MCpack, .MCaddon) - Minecraft Bedrock Behavior Packs in this page you will find the best MCPE addons 1.20.15 - 1.19.83 - 1.19.73 that will add to the game new mobs, items, blocks and weapons.