Ad Astra features five celestial bodies such as The Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Glacio. Similarly, from two different solar systems, each with distinct characteristics and resources. You can travel between planets using four different rocket tiers and a rover for navigating rugged terrain. Int...
,检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/ad-astra/ad_astra/lang/zh_cn.json-0: "text.resourcefulconfig.ad_astra.option.rocket.acceleration": "加速度",检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/ad-astra/ad_astra/lang/zh_cn.json-0: "text.resourcefulconfig.ad_astra.option.rocket.maxSpeed": "...
Rocket Hat Rabbid Female Punk Rock Rabbid Blondie Rabbid Color Spin Hat Rabbid Blue Tie Rabbid Pilot Rabbid 2 Conductor Rabbid Mad Rabbidroids Baby Rabbid Black Mustache Bow Tie Rabbid Delivery Rabbid Chef Rabbid Lifeguard Rabbid Bully Rabbids Rabbid Mafia Gang Magician Rabbid Tribe Leader Tribe Rabb...
Rocket Hat Rabbid Female Punk Rock Rabbid Blondie Rabbid Color Spin Hat Rabbid Blue Tie Rabbid Pilot Rabbid 2 Conductor Rabbid Mad Rabbidroids Baby Rabbid Black Mustache Bow Tie Rabbid Delivery Rabbid Chef Rabbid Lifeguard Rabbid Bully Rabbids Rabbid Mafia Gang Magician Rabbid Tribe Leader Tribe Rabb...
Members ArborsmOwner Report
Trading Post adds one simple block, which when used allows you to trade with all villagers in a configurable area at once in a single interface. The table looks really fancy and includes a neat animation when you come close! Traveler's Backpack ...