resourcepacks 文件夹: 资源包存放地,会自动生成,文件格式是 zip。 crash-reports 文件夹: 崩溃报告存放地,只有游戏因崩溃而退出时才会生成。 shaderpacks 文件夹: 需要安装OptiFine并启动游戏才会生成,可存放光影包,文件格式是 zip。 options.txt 文件:
Browse a collection of the best Minecraft Resource Packs created by talented artists from all over the world, enhance your game with better realistic texture packs!
Themed resource packs are designed around a specific topic or style. All of the game’s features are redefined to match the style of the new theme.
If you want to update our old 3D textures to a newer version you will need to delete the old 3D pack in Settings > Storage > Resource Packs. If your game is stuttering when you're using this 3D texture pack, try downloading another resolution. ...
All Addons Worlds Texture Packs Servers Scripts ByDeezMods Published on 11 Mar, 2025 5 Add-On Emerald Craft Enhance your Vanilla Minecraft experience with this add-on, a carefully balanced addon designed to keep you engaged from the early game to the epic late stages. This addon intro... ...
This is a parachute resource pack which adds a 3D model of a parachute into Minecraft. This resource pack should be used together with my parachute data pack, which can be found here: To find out more about this resource ...
Crops 3D is a resource pack which focuses on improving the look and feel of Minecraft farming with better 3D models for certain crops and plants in the game. The models in this pack use a mixture of 3D cubes and flat planes to achieve a more default vanilla look. In addition, the textu...
you used mods or resource packs that affect world generation Mixed version worlds If you started your world on an older version, you must switch between the versions in the app. Always select the version that was used to generate the chunks you're looking at. Coastlines By default, the coas...
A 3D animation library for entities, blocks, items, armor, and more! 190.4M March 11, 2025 Mods API and Library View Install Architectury API Byshedaniel 194.2M Mods An intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods. 194.2M ...
28、Resources Packs for Minecraft(我的世界资源包): 29、The Skindex(皮肤资源): 30、皮肤资源): 31、SkinMC(皮肤资源):