Mine_and_Slash_BETA-1.20.1-5.3.7.jar Supported Versions 1.20.1 1.20 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:mine-and-slash-reloaded-306575:4926196") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet suppor...
While ARR, the mod is visible source and 90+% of features are already Datapacks, meaning you can probably modify or add anything you want: item affixes, unique gears, currencies, dungeons, runewords..
第三个模组 挖矿与砍杀(Mine and Slash)是一个将Minecraft转变为魔法和掠夺者的mod!这个mod根据您的喜好完全改变了我的世界的战斗和装备进度,完全改变了我的世界(Minecraft)的传统玩法,变成了开放式的更加真实的RPG游戏有点类似于暗黑破坏神!同时有着类似于《暗黑破坏神》的深度传动系统:符文之语独特物品独特...
This mod completely changes the combat and gear progression of minecraft, for better or worse, depending on your preferences, so i'll lay it out nice and clear what this mod does so you can make sure you want it or not. First, the intent. The intent is to make Loot (mob drops) the...
5回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧 hack slash mine好好玩。。 只看楼主 收藏 回复☆尛帥虎★ 钻石 10 最近一直在玩那个 感觉很不错 () 回复 1楼 2012-09-29 06:16 举报 | iamunknown 小吧主 13 Wi 收起回复 2楼 2012-09-29 06:16 举报 | 来自iPhone客户端 Down丶独行 虚空 12 不知道...
1.1.4后更新内容 --- MINECRAFT 增加全1.13实体模型,方块等 支持从我的世界1.13导入地图(bug略多 气泡柱什么的 增加并且更改了生 3279 热爱cod的基友屌丝们吧 chouxiaoshui TheAbandonedMine(废弃矿井)7The Abandoned Mine Information: This is a contest map [W.I.P.] the map will be playable in a min...
Mine and Slash Reloaded is a Minecraft mod that’s been designed to revamp Minecraft’s combat system and in order to turn the game into a hack and slash
wither dust and a variety of other items that you can utilize creatively in Minecraft journeys and, all things considered, the mod manages to make the experience a lot better for players so it’s recommended that you try it out if you’re still on version 1.10 of Minecraft but want to ...
If you're worried you lose your old progress, there's a command that outputs them into new format: "/slash old convert compatible_items".Also there's a similar method convertToNewFormat for mod devs that use code. But i strongly suggest they switch to datapacks too. If you need help ...