In afixedmindset, you look inside yourself to find your true passion and purpose, as if this is a hidden inherent thing. In agrowthmindset, you commit to mastering valuable skills regardless of mood, knowing passion and purpose come from...
熟悉认知心理学的同学应该会听说过“固定型思维”(the fixed mindset) 与“成长型思维”(the growth mindset)这两个概念。拥有固定型思维的人认为聪明才智等能力是与生俱来的,后天无法改变;而拥有成长型思维的人则认为天赋只是起点,人的才智通过锻炼可以提高,只要努力就可以做的更好。这两个概念的普及也是因为美国...
Dweck将这种想法,即认为你的能力是一成不变的,而整个世界就是由一个个为了考察你能力所在的测试组成的想法,称为“固定型思维模式”(“fixed mindset”)。 而那些成功孩子的观念恰恰相反,他们会认为:所有的事情都离不开个人努力,而这个世界上也充满了那些帮助你去学习,去成长的有趣的挑战。Dweck将其称为“成长型...
1. Make several copies of the fixed vs growth mindset feedback cards. Have the kids work in triads: one person gives the ―a‖ cards to one student and ―b‖ cards to the other. Specify that the statements on the cards represent self-talk that students might use.2. After ...
下面是有关fixed mindset (固定型思维)和growth mindset (成长型思维)的海报,请根据海报内容,从 A-D中选出合适的内容填入第31-34相应的空格中,并完成第35小题。 Fixed Growth Mindset Mindset What can I say to myself? INSTEADOF TRYTHINKING I'm not good at this. WhatamImissing? 31. I'll use ...
下面是有关 Fixed mindset(固定型思维)和 growth mindset(成长型思维)的海报,请根据海报内容,从A-D中选出合适的内容填入第31-34相应的空格中,并完成第35小题。MINDES7Growth Mindset StatementsWhat can I say to myself?INSTEAD OF:TRY THINKING:I'm not good at this.What am I missing?I'll use some...
4. 最后一部分为摘录书中10个经典Idea作者开头提到“For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life.”于是引出了两个mindsets---the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. 乔治凯利也有相似观点:“Your are the person you ...
熟悉认知心理学的同学应该会听说过“固定型思维”(the fixed mindset) 与“成长型思维”(the growth mindset)这两个概念。拥有固定型思维的人认为聪明才智等能力是与生俱来的,后天无法改变;而拥有成长型思维的人则认为天赋只是起点,人的才智通过锻炼可以提高,只要努力就可以做的更好。这两个概念的普及也是因为美国...