L'analyseur biochimique BS-480 de Mindray est un analyseur chimique clinique au sol, discret et à accès aléatoire, offrant un débit constant de 400 tests par heure.
We serve Best Buy BS-480 Chemistry Analyzer and Reagents Machines, BS-480 Chemistry Analyzer and Reagents Machines use in medical industry, BS-480 Chemistry Analyzer and Reagents Machines price, BS-480 Chemistry Analyzer and Reagents Machines applicat
北京市大兴区卫生和计划委员会2018年医疗设备购置项目3 400 速全自动生化分析仪技术参数,中标:BS-460 1.仪器类型:随机任取、分立式全自动生化分析仪 *2.分析速度:比色恒速≧400T/H, 配 ISE 模块,ISE 速度≧200T/H 3.zei大可同时分析项目:≧85 个(其中 ISE≧3 个,血清指数≧3 个) 4.测试原理:比色法...
Designed for today's fast-paced labs, the Mindray BS-480 and BA-800M chemistry analyzers are versatile workhorses for drugs of abuse testing.
Designed for today's fast-paced laboratories, the Mindray BS-480 and BA-800M chemistry analyzers are versatile workhorses offering mid to high volume throughput. The wide drugs of abuse testing menu serves the needs of clinical laboratories and criminal...
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.. Listing:#2626312 Condition:Used - Excellent Brand:MINDRAY Type:Chemistry Analyzer Model:BS480 MPN:IDE-BS480 We at have a MINDRAY BS 480 Chemistry Analyzer Available Brand New. A floor-standing, discrete and random access clinical chemistry analy...
mindray迈瑞BS-480全自动生化分析仪中标价格 - 308,600 ~ 320,000 [RMB] tel: 400-6699-117转1000 迈瑞医疗生化分析仪, 荟萃科技 缔造经典 在线客服 用户名单 序号合同年份单位价格操作 12018北京市大兴区卫生和计划委员会320,000 [RMB]中标详情 22018温州医科大学308,600 [RMB]中标详情 ...
Mindray Detergent CD80 Detergent for BS240 BS120 BS300 BS380 BS480 BS800 US$1.00 1 Box (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available Powder: No Customized: CustomizedContact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get samples of US$ 1/Box ! Request Sample Zhejiang Xinke ...
Mindray BS230 BS240 BS600/480/380/200/400 CD80 Detergent Alkaline Wash Biochemical Anlyzer Detergent US$1.00 1 Box (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available Powder: No Customized: CustomizedContact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get s...
they are designed to meet the demands of high-volume testing. The cuvettes are compatible with a wide range of Mindray BS-Series analyzers, including the BS-380, BS-390, BS-400, BS-420, BS-480, BS-490, BS-800, BS-820, BS-880, and BS-890, making them a versatile addition to yo...