10. 5 Senses Mindfulness Exercise It’s often difficult to feel grounded when your thoughts are in a jumble. This worksheet allows you to stay grounded in the present by utilizing your five senses. You can print as many copies of this worksheet as you need. An alternative way to use it ...
Mindful Eating: Choose a small piece of food, such as a raisin or a slice of fruit. Before eating, observe the food closely with all your senses—notice its color, texture, smell, and any sounds it makes when you touch or bite into it. Slowly take a bite, savoring the taste and tex...
All you have to do is make the commitment to pick one of the exercises mentioned in the post, read over the simple steps for how to practice mindfulness and then schedule time daily to make it happen. (A good mindfulness worksheet can help you keep track of the exercises and build the ...