However, in that post, I was differentiating myself from feminists. I wanted to be clear that I was concerned for women as human-beings…not as some special gender elevated above men. That was the sense in which I used the word human-ist in the post. There and elsewhere, a casual rea...
HOME AT LAST…After moving three times over the course of ten years, the Museum of Modern Art finally found a permanent home in Midtown in 1939. Although Abby Rockefeller’s husband, John D. Rockefeller Jr., was initially opposed to the museum, he eventually came around and donated the lan...
HOME AT LAST…After moving three times over the course of ten years, the Museum of Modern Art finally found a permanent home in Midtown in 1939. Although Abby Rockefeller’s husband, John D. Rockefeller Jr., was initially opposed to the museum, he eventually came around and donated the lan...
elevated body temperature, rapid heartbeat, rapid and shallow breathing, feeling dizzy, mental confusion, headache, nausea, cessation of sweating, loss of consciousness. Untreated it can lead to organ failure, coma, brain damage and death.
Like, when you finally defeat him in battle, in what is one of the most unfair Final Fantasy fights I’ve done, he literally gets up and says “death has no hold over me” and steals the crystal while we’re in another room. He literally kidnaps Rosa at one point by throwing his ...
Through the years some combination of Mom, Dad, my older brother David, my younger brother Mark, and I would stride to the elevated tee on the municipal course’s first hole with varying degrees of excitement and anticipation. On many occasions the group was all five of us. When I was ...
biz and technology, and among the first to teach remotely via video lessons. When COVID hit and so many musicians were scrambling to get their Zoom game together for lessons or sessions, I’m sure Dom was laughing: this had been business as usual for him for over a decade by that ...
Stranger yet, she said, “I haven’t been feeling very well, so I am going to stand over here.” I get that it’s proper Covid etiquette, but it seemed so unnecessary, and I really didn’t believe her anyway; I mean, why was she out at all then? But ok, whatever, that’s ...
That isn't to say everything post-Golden Era is irredeemable. There have been some real gems over the years; it's just not as consistently great as something like season 5 where every episode is a banger. Even then, there's a marked difference between an episode that's just kind of ...
“Just over the horizon, when Weber wrote, lay Hitler…. He was the mad, horrible parody of the charismatic leader—the demagogue—hoped for by Weber.” Weber was not looking for something so extreme, but “when one ventures out into the vast spaces opened up by Nietzsche, it is hard ...