Mind in Society豆瓣评分:9.9 简介:The great Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky has long been recognized as a pioneer in developmental psychology. But somewhat ironically, his theory of development has never been well understood in th
Mind in Society:Development of Higher Psychological Processes 作者:S. Vygotsky著 出版社:Harvard University Press 出版时间:1980-10 ISBN:9780674576292 定价:332.30 装帧:平装 开本:其他 纸张:其他 页数:176页 正文语种:英语 内容简介: The great Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky has long been recognized ...
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书名: Mind in Society 作者: Ls Vygotsky 副标题: Development of Higher Psychological Processes 页数: 174 出版社: Harvard University Press 出版年: 1978-7-1 102 游戏的意义某种程度上是满足孩子对于现实中未能满足的欲望的实现,并且其逻辑依照愿望而产生 meaning 决定action。这样看网络虚拟世界确实也是相同的...
Mind in societyVygotskiĭ, Lev SemenovichCole, Michael
The Society of Mind 热度: Confrey2010 MindinSociety: TheDevelopmentofHigherPsychological Processes L.S.Vygotsky EDUC792ZFoundationsoftheLearningSciences ProfessorConfreyandProfessorSpires Spring2010 Confrey2008 ClassMarch8,2010 ReviewofAnnBrownarticle ...