Suppose you mind controlled someone, would you be able to extract information about them? like "tell me where is X?" or would they just be puppets? MortemBlade·5/19/2021 I was thinking this exactly. Can you make someone do what you yourself can't do like controlling your victim to ...
☰ Random Anime Share ▼ View all characters Series ID 2225 Media Type H-Game Title Mind X Cross English Title Mind X Cross Aliases Romaji Title Maikuro ~Ore ga Watashi de Boku ga Atashi de~ Furigana Title マイくろ〜オレガワタシデボクガアタシデ〜 Japanese Title マイくろ〜...
it’s just a bunch of switches turning on and off.That’s all. When you turn on your tablet and the screen lights up, it’s just tens of millions of switches inside turning on and off telling the electronics what to do. All web sites are, at bottom, controlled by millions of switch...
For instance the hastag #rdg has been used for some time by a local newspaper to donate the town of Reading, UK, but the popularity of japanese anime Red Data Girl led to the #rdg hashtag being widely adopted to refer to that.