很多时候,我们都不是我们所想的样子,我们和我们讨厌的人很可能共享一些毛病。 《迷离时空》第二季有一集《The Mind and the Matter》,故事很现代,一个白领很讨厌嘈杂的社会,坐地铁要挤,上电梯要挤,进了公司,边上又有那么多人,好烦啊。 一天,这白领获得了心想事成的能力,就让所有人都消失,于是世界安静了。
这里,中西方对“问题”不同的理解,是否也就是中西方关於“心物(mind and matter)”关系不同的理解:西方“心物二元”,而东 … www.cbflabs.com|基于6个网页 3. 精神和物质 精神和物质(mind and matter)。 客体及其属性(objects and their properties)。
"—"Yes, but it doesn't matter." “我把您吵醒了吗?”— “是的,不过没关系。” He likes to to study the properties of matter. 他喜欢研究物质的属性。 It's only a matter of time before we take back that land. 我们...
matter and mind随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) [...] the motion to narrow down the issue to concern only Hong Kong, we could stay out of the matter and mind our own business. legco.gov.hk 我希望議員不要天 真地 以為將 議 案修正 一下,將視縮窄...
Considers the questions asked by F. Engels (1888): "Which is primary, spirit or nature?" and by Max Delbruch (1986: "How can we construct a theory of a universe without life, and therefore without mind, and then expect life and mind to evolve, somehow from this lifeless and mindless ...
You and I are of one mind on that matter.关于那件事我俩的想法一致。2.思维能力, 才智, 理智 Fear evacuated their mind of reason.恐惧使他们丧失了理智。3.记忆(力)The incident had faded from her mind.这件事渐渐从她记忆里淡漠了。4.注意; 考虑 He listened with all his mind.他...
A Matter of the Mind(Season 4, Episode 16) TV-MA TV Episode|Documentary, News Edit pageAdd to list An examination of mental illness and the treatment of those affected by it. Read more:Plot summary Director Robert Thurber Writer Robert Thurber(written by) ...
将“matter and mind"翻译成中文 物質文明和精神文明, 物质文明和精神文明是“matter and mind"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Buddhism has been said to be compatible with communism given that both can be interpreted as atheistic and arguably share some similarities regarding their views of the ...
Please make up your mind and let us know your decision.(请做出决定并告诉我们。)I had a thought about how to solve the problem.(我有一个关于如何解决这个问题的想法。)2. 语法区别:"Idea" 是一个名词,可以作为主语、宾语或补语。"Opinion" 是一个名词,可以作为主语、宾语或补语。"...
- Please don't disturb me, I'm thinking about an important matter.(请你不要打扰我,我正在思考一个重要的问题。)- He was lost in thought, recalling the good old days.(他在回忆着过去的美好时光。)3.语气和态度:idea常表示建议、提议或疑虑,opinion常表示信念、主张或评价,mind常表示...