). Other descriptions included an analysis ofconsciousnessas a form of relationship or act of themindtoward objects in nature, and a view that consciousness was a continuous field or stream of essentially mental “sense data,” roughly similar to the “ideas” of earlierempiricalphilosophers....
Dualism is a philosophical concept that concludes that the mind is separate from the body, and therefore mental phenomena are not physical in nature and vice versa.Dualism can trace its roots back to ancient Greece and philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, who grappled with the relationship betwe...
The nature of “soul” and the source of “psychic life”, the anatomical seat of cognitive, motor and sensory functions, and the origin of neural diseases were broadly debated by ancient Greek scientists since the earliest times. Within the space of few centuries, speculation of philosophers an...
he charges Strauss with holding to an ancient, and illusionary, conception of philosophy as disinterested reflection by individuals seeking the eternally true, beautiful, and good. Once modern philosophers realised that there were no such eternal ideas, that all ideas arise only out of the human ...
What did the ancient Greek philosophers know about the relation between the mind and the brainAncient greek philosophyBrainMindis available for this article.doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.01.074PapanicolaouAndrewElsevier Inc.Neurobiology of Aging...
Throughout her experience, she learns the history of philosophy and Gaarder is able to make the lessons of historical philosophers relevant to a more recent era. Sophie discovers the mostcritical philosophical conceptson her journey, beginning with the lessons from the first Ancient Greek philosophers...
Thus, we have to redefine the concept of an individual. So be it. But why is that important for the examination of our consciousness? Why should philosophers of mind care about the notion of holobiont? In other words, what are the implications of these new biological discoveries for philosoph...
aThe ancient Chinese and Greek philosophers not only lived under different geographic conditions, but different economic ones as well. Since China is a continental country, the Chinese people have to make their living by agriculture. Even today the portion of the Chinese population engaged in farming...
Although I had seen many ancient writings by the Academics and Sceptics on this subject, and was reluctant to reheat and serve this precooked material, I could not avoid devoting one whole Meditation to it. And I should like my readers not just to take the short time needed to go through...
According to the experts at the conference, including geneticists, public health researchers and philosophers, a wave of gene editing therapies were expected to reach clinics in the next five years or so. The therapies will correct disease-causing disorders in tissues and organs and become mature ...