Requirements See Also TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty is used to configure the minimum throughput rate that HTTP.sys enforces when sending data from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client. TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty prevents malicious or malfunctioning software clients fro...
Requirements See also Retrieves the minimum number of objects in the pool. Syntax C++ Kopija HRESULT get_MinPoolSize( [in] DWORD *pdwMinPool ); Parameters [in] pdwMinPool The minimum number of objects. Return value This method can return the standard return values E_INVALIDARG...
The_heapminfunction minimizes the heap by releasing unused heap memory to the operating system. If the operating system does not support_heapmin(for example, Windows 98), the function returns –1 and setserrnotoENOSYS. Requirements 展開資料表 ...
Requirements See Also TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty is used to configure the minimum throughput rate that HTTP.sys enforces when sending data from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client. TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty prevents malicious or malfunctioning software clients fro...
Requirements See also Contains information about a heap element. TheHeapWalkfunction uses aPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRYstructure to enumerate the elements of a heap. Syntax C++Copy typedefstruct_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY{PVOID lpData; DWORD cbData; BYTE cbOverhead; BYTE iRegionIndex; WORD wFlags;union{struct{HANDL...
11dd0 wrapt==1.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0" \ --hash=sha256:0d2691979e93d06a95a26257adb7bfd0c93818e89b1406f5a28f36e0d8c1e1fc \ --hash=sha256:14d7dc606219cdd7405133c713f2c218d4252f2a469003f8c46bb92d5d095d81 \ diff --git a/bytes/requireme...
.gitignore .gitmodules LICENSE requirements.txt requirements_api.txt requirements_lite.txt requirements_webui.txt webui.pyBreadcrumbs Langchain-Chatchat / requirements.txt Latest...
Requirements See Also TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty is used to configure the minimum throughput rate that HTTP.sys enforces when sending data from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client. TheMinFileBytesPerSecproperty prevents malicious or malfunctioning software clients fro...
Requirements See also Releases unused heap memory to the operating system. Syntax C int_heapmin(void); Return value If successful,_heapminreturns 0; otherwise, the function returns -1 and setserrnotoENOSYS. For more information about this and other return codes, seeerrno,_doserrno,_sys_errlis...
There are several control strategies proposed to deal with the above-mentioned requirements dating back to 1952. Each of these algorithms has its advantages and disadvantages [3,4]. Some of them are not capable to satisfy all engine control modes simultaneously and some of them are weak in ...