classMinStack4{intmin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Stack<Integer> stack =newStack<Integer>();publicvoidpush(intx){if(x <= min){ stack.push(min); min = x; } stack.push(x); }publicvoidpop(){if(stack.pop() == min) { min=stack.pop(); } }publicinttop(){returnstack.peek(); }public...
stack.push(x); }publicvoidpop() {//use equals to compare the value of two object, if equal, pop both of themif(stack.peek().equals(minStack.peek())) minStack.pop(); stack.pop(); }publicinttop() {returnstack.peek(); }publicintgetMin() {returnminStack.peek(); } }/*** Your...
Min Stack Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time. push(x) -- Push element x onto stack. pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack. top() -- Get the top element. getMin() -- Retrieve the minimum element in the st...
stack.pop(); }publicinttop(){if(stack.isEmpty())return0;elsereturnstack.peek(); }publicintgetMin(){if(minstack.isEmpty())return0;elsereturnminstack.peek(); } } Min Stack -- without using Stack class classMinStack{/** initialize your data structure here. */privateNode head;privatecla...
Min Heap in Java What is Heap? Heap is a special kind of complete binary tree in which the all node has a value greater (or smaller ) than all of its children . A complete binary tree is a binary tree where all levels are completely filled except the last level which can be ...
// 登录 AlgoMooc 官网获取更多算法图解// 作者:程序员吴师兄// Java 中的 Stack 类设计有问题,大部分情况下是使用 LinkedList 来构建栈,但为了结合动画更好的理解这道题目,所以依旧使用 StackclassMinStack{// 创建两个栈// 创建栈 stack1 ,用来作为数据栈Stack<Integer>stack1...
解题思路 import java.util.Stack; public class Solution { private Stack<Integer> dataStack = new Stack<Integer>(); private Stack<Integer> minStack = new Stack<Integer>(); public void push(in 瑞新 2020/12/07 2850 [算法题] 实现一个特殊的栈,在基本栈的基础上,增加返回栈中最小元素的方法 ...
StackFromBottom StackViewStyle StarStyle Start StartColor StartDelay StartOffset StartX StartY StartYear StateAboveAnchor StateAccelerated StateActivated StateActive StateCheckable StateChecked StateDragCanAccept StateDragHovered StateEmpty StateEnabled StateExpanded StateFirst StateFocused StateHovered StateLast Stat...
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StackFromBottom StackViewStyle StarStyle Start StartColor StartDelay StartOffset StartX StartY StartYear StateAboveAnchor StateAccelerated StateActivated StateActive StateCheckable StateChecked StateDragCanAccept StateDragHovered StateEmpty StateEnabled StateExpanded StateFirst StateFocused StateHovered StateLast Stat...