A. Sakallah, "Min-max linear programming and the timing analysis of digital circuits," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Nov. 1993, pp. 152-155.Burks and Sakallah, Min Max Linear programming and the timing analysis of digital ...
Key words: type Min;type Max;linear programming problem; simplex method; check number 赵云平:min型与max型线性规划问题解法探析 ·· 21 min型与max型线性规划问题解法探析 作者: 赵云平, ZHAO Yun-ping 作者单位: 临沧师范高等专科学校数理系,临沧 云南,677099 刊名: 西昌学院学报(自然科学版) 英文刊名...
It would be natural to consider multi-stage problems as well, and to investigate how the connection between maxmin problems and population games interacts with the methods of dynamic programming. While the solution of maxmin problems using methods taken from evolutionary games is important in ...
LinearProgramming 1.1标准型1.2基本概念1.3单纯形法 StandardformofLP BasicConceptsSimplexMethod 1.1线性规划的标准型 StandardformofLP 1.3线性规划的标准型StandardformofLP Chapter1线性规划LinearProgramming Page3 在用单纯法求解线性规划问题时,为了讨论问题方便,需将线性规划模型化为统一的标准形式。线性规划...
Using different combinations of the min — and max — operations 8 different fuzzy linear programming problems can be formulated, the optimality conditions of which will be discussed.关键词: Centered fuzzy numbers linear programming fuzzy linear programming optimality conditions ...
This class encompasses max-plus-linear systems, min-max-plus systems, bilinear max-plus systems and polynomial max-plus systems. We first consider open-loop min-max MPC and we show that the resulting optimization problem can be transformed into a set of linear programming problems. Then, min-...
Observe that the quantity, t, calculated in Step 1 is the solution of the following linear programming (LP) problem: (8.1.3a)maximizet (8.1.3b)subject tot(∑dδed)≤ce,e=1,2,…,E. This simple observation will allow us to extend the notion and solution algorithms for more general...
In [32], the Max-Min Programming Algorithm (MP) is proposed to find the smallest element of the max-min fair vector by solving several linear programming. The complexity of MP algorithm is O(nLP(n, m)) where LP(n, m) is the complexity of a linear program. Considering the problem we...
Applications of Digital Signal ProcessingM. Nagahara, "Min-max design of FIR digital filters by semidefinite programming," in Applications of Digital Signal Processing. InTech, Nov. 2011, pp. 193-210.M. Nagahara, "Min-max design of FIR digital filters by semidefinite programming," in ...
An efficient optimization procedure is proposed for computing robust control laws for linear systems with linear state and input constraints and bounded additive disturbances. We describe an active set method for solving the dynamic programming problem associated with the min-max optimization of a predict...