I am trying to build a min heap.I have already done the insert, delete,swap, up-heap, down-heap and it is working correctly. However, I am trying to write a method for Min-Heapify. Here is my Input: {20,14,9,6,4,5,1} The output I expected would be for the min heap: {1,...
minheap的操作主要有两个,一个是add,思路是,新建一个节点在最后,然后不断地和父节点比较,如果小于父节点,就交换,直到大于等于或者root。 第二个操作是输出root,那么需要把最后一个节点移至root位置,然后重新梳理minheap,因为此时可能不再shiminheap了,梳理过程用函数minheapify实现。该函数的实现思路是传入一个i参数...
# Swap with the right child and heapify# the right childelse:self.swap(pos,self.rightChild(pos))self.minHeapify(self.rightChild(pos))# Function to insert a node into the heapdefinsert(self,element):ifself.size>=self.maxsize:returnself.size+=1self.Heap[self.size]=element current=self.s...
extractMin():从 MinHeap 中移除最小元素。此操作的时间复杂度为O(Log n),因为此操作需要在移除 root 后维护堆属性(通过调用 heapify())。 insert():插入一个新的键需要O(Log n)时间。我们在树的末尾添加一个新键。如果新键大于它的父键,那么我们不需要做任何事情。否则,我们需要向上遍历以修复违反的堆属...
heap-size[A] = heap-size[A] - 1 MIN-HEAPIFY(A, 1) // 调整堆 return min 在这里,`MIN-HEAPIFY` 是一个辅助函数,用于保持最小堆的性质。 HEAP-DECREASE-KEY 减小堆中元素的键值。 HEAP-DECREASE-KEY(A, i, key): if key > A[i] throw "new key is larger than current key" ...
啥是二叉堆 二叉堆是一种特殊的堆,二叉堆是完全二元树(二叉树)或者是近似完全二元树(二叉树)。
heapify(hp,0) ; }else{ printf("\nMin Heap is empty!\n") ; free(hp->elem) ; } } /* Function to get maximum node from a min heap The maximum node shall always be one of the leaf nodes. So we shall recursively move through both left and right child, until we find their ...
13[30,62,9,100,75,73,57,82,2,76,2,50,41]#before heapify[2,2,30,62,9,41,57,100,82,76,75,73,50] parent l[index] l.index(...) x + 1 - 1. If your items are unique then that computed index will always be the same as the index you started with. When there are duplica...
我现在还不能真正测试这个,但是我认为主要的问题是resize()方法。创建临时数组以保存数据时 ...