Whilst timely Min Pay does not attract penalties on the monthly statement, any outstanding balance becomes a debt. It is essentially a loan. This will eventually reflect on your TU credit rating. Lenders may think you have problems in making repayments and lower your credit score. The impact ...
580required for 96.5% financing or 3.5% down payment FHA mortgage Lender approvals. 500required for 90% financing or 10% down payment FHA mortgage Lender approvals. Bad Creditwith minimum 500 FICO credit score with 10% Down Payment FHA. For FHA mortgage applicants with credit scores between 50...
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If your credit score(信用分) is ___, you won't be able to get a loan(贷款). A. above average B. on average C. below average 查看完整题目与答案 journ_y 旅行;行程 查看完整题目与答案 When you apply for a credit card,you apply to borrow money from the card issuer...
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