High passage MIN6 cells have impaired insulin secretion with impaired glucose and lipid oxidation. PLoS ONE 7:E40868-E40868(2012) 4. Grozinsky-Glasberg S., Shimon I., Rubinfeld H. The role of cell lines in the study of neuroendocrine tumors. Neuroendocrinology 96:173-187(2012) 5. Nakash...
CELL linesINSULINOMALATENT structure analysisMETABOLOMICSBackground and purpose: The use of fluoxetine raises the risk of pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction. However, the specific mechanism behind its mechanism of action in beta cells is unknown. This study investigated the cellular response of MIN6 cells...
pancreaticl3cell VGLUT2(mVGLUT2)gene expression on MIN6 cell lines and apilot illustration the mechanism of this regulation. 【Methodsl The mice pancreaticflcell lines MIN6 was cultured in DMEM medium with 10% fetal bovine serum(FBS)and 5%C02 Various concentrations of insulin were added in ...
MIN6 cell lines (passage 23–30), which kept extremely sensitive to glucose, were grown in DMEMwith 25 mmol/L glucose, supple- mented with 15% (v/v) heat-inactivated fetal calf serum, 2 mmol/L glutamine, b-mercaptoethanol (1 ll/L), 100 U/ml penicillin G sodium and 100 lg/ml str...
High passage MIN6 cells have impaired insulin secretion with impaired glucose and lipid oxidation. PLoS ONE 7:E40868-E40868(2012) 4. Grozinsky-Glasberg S., Shimon I., Rubinfeld H. The role of cell lines in the study of neuroendocrine tumors. Neuroendocrinology 96:173-187(2012) 5. Nakash...
Min6 cells, a mouse cell line derived from transgenic mouse expressing the large T-antigen of SV40 in pancreatic beta cells, are commonly utilized as an in vitro cellular model for investigating targets involved in insulin secretion. Epac2, an exchange protein that can be directly activated by ...
Aims/Introduction: We studied the mechanisms for the possible insulinotropic action of apolipoprotein (Apo) A-I in mouse insulinoma (MIN6) cells. Materials and Methods: The effects of ApoA-I on cAMP production and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), and the dose dependency (ApoA-I at...
Lines 596 to 607 in34793d5 if(tableMeta.minSpareRows){ letemptyRows=instance.countEmptyRows(true); // should I add empty rows to meet minSpareRows? if(emptyRows<tableMeta.minSpareRows){ for(;emptyRows<tableMeta.minSpareRows&&instance.countSourceRows()...
û-cell lines, including MIN6 cells, revealed that glu- cose does not directly stimulate insulin secretion, but it is metabolized via a glycolytic pathway and the resultant alterations in ATP/ADP ratio determine the rate of secretion [2]. An increase in either ATP/ADP ...
2023, Cell Citation Excerpt : The same method could also distinguish dominance mounting versus attack (F1 score 0.74 ± 0.03, N = 6 mice; Figure 2E). However, such classifiers could not distinguish behaviors occurring close together in time, such as attack and sniff-attack (defined as periods...