MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). In MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB ® , the au...
mimo-ofdm wireless communications with matlab(中) 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: enough. It is also clear that the BER performance in an AWGN channel is consistent with theanalytical results. This is true regardless of how long GI is, because there is no multipath delayin the AWGN channel. As ...
138 MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLABÒ Program 4.3 Routines for GI (guard interval) insertion, GI removal, and BER plotting function y = guard_interval(Ng,Nfft,NgType,ofdmSym) if NgType==1, y=[ofdmSym(Nfft-Ng+1:Nfft) ofdmSym(1:Nfft)]; ...
ISBN: 978-0-470-82561-7; Language: English Written for senior undergraduate and graduate students, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of wireless channel modeling, OFDM, and MIMO, using MATLAB programs to simulate the various techniques on MIMO-OFDM systems....
wireless channel modeling(OFDM) and MIMO,with MATLABÒprograms to simulate the underlying techniques on MIMO-OFDM systems.This book is primarily designed for engineers and researchers who are interested in learning various MIMO-OFDM techniques and applying them to wireless communications. It can also...
2 % To add an arbitrary frequency offset|施加CFO 3 % Input: y = Time-domain received signal|时域接收信号 4 % dCFO = FFO (fractional CFO) + IFO (integral CFO) 5 % Nfft = FFT size;|FFT大小 6 7 % MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB㈢ Yong Soo...
MATLAB Code for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB | MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现 - MIMO-OFDM-Wireless-Communications-with-MATLAB/plot_ber.m at master · yang69/MIMO-OFDM-Wireless-Communications-with-MATLAB
MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). In MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB ® , the au...
mimo - ofdm无线通信与MATLAB
文档介绍:多输入多输出无线传感器之matlab应用研究,1 MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB。 现在下载 VIP会员,AET专家下载不扣分;重复下载不扣分,本人上传资源不扣分。 serena 的最新分享 5G消息白皮书 360度全景环视和自动泊车系统 疫情防控中的5G应用研究报告 ...