2 仿真代码 %This Matlab script can be used to generate Figure 4, in the article: % %Emil Bj鰎nson, Jakob Hoydis, Marios Kountouris, M閞ouane Debbah, 揗assive %MIMO Systems with Non-Ideal Hardware: Energy Efficiency, Estimation, and %Capacity Limits,?To appear in IEEE Transactions on I...
2 仿真代码 %This Matlab script can be used to generate Figure 4, in the article: % %Emil Bj鰎nson, Jakob Hoydis, Marios Kountouris, M閞ouane Debbah, 揗assive %MIMO Systems with Non-Ideal Hardware: Energy Efficiency, Estimation, and %Capacity Limits,?To appear in IEEE Transactions on I...
为了阐明四个用户和一个基站之间的关系,我们使用来自 Math-Works 的 MATLAB 以 2D 方式仿真了两种情况。在这两种情况中,每个 UE 拥有一个天线,基站拥有多天线阵列:基站 #1 拥有包含 50 个全向天线单元的线性阵列,单元以半波长(½ λ)为间隔;基站 #2 拥有包含 200 个全向天线单元的线性阵列,单元以全波长(λ...
Capacity = sum(log2(1+ PowerAllo.' .* H));
matlab开发-MIMOChannelCapacity。分析了具有NT发射天线和NR接收天线的MIMO信道的容量。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 10N65K3-VB TO220F一种N-Channel沟道TO220F封装MOS管 2024-11-06 14:32:25 积分:1 10N60Z-VB一种N-Channel沟道TO220F封装MOS管 2024-11-06 14:25:51 积分...
matlab开发-Mimorayleighfadingchannelcapacity(Mimorayleighfadingchannelcapacity)。这里考虑MIMO信道的最大容量。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 UNIX_C 2024-11-15 01:50:54 积分:1 apue 2024-11-15 01:50:26 积分:1 braum 2024-11-15 01:46:20 积分:1 ...
内容:svd,BD,ZF,MF,SLNR,MMSE线性预编码性能 [W2,D2 M2] = BD2(Nt,Nri,S,K,H,P); p2 = ones(1,K*S); [count_temp] = receiver(H,Nt,S,K,Tc,P,n,W2,M2,s,q); count2=count2+count_temp; capacity2=capacity2+sumrate(H,W2,M2,K,S,Nri,Nt,sigma2,P); 4.注意事项:注意MATLAB...
Capacity of MIMO systems is also evaluated based on references and it is shown that the references provide a thorough description which is then utilized in developing the simulation code. To verify the developed model, a Matlab code is devised to simulate the capacity of MIMO system which is ...
The MATLAB code for calculating the CCDF of channel capacity of a MIMO channel is given below. clear all close all Nr=4; Nt=4; I=eye(Nr); g=15.8489; for n=1:10000 H=sqrt(1/2)*randn(Nr,Nt)+j*sqrt(1/2)*randn(Nr,Nt); ...