Capacity =sum(log2(1+ PowerAllo.' .* H));
Capacity = sum(log2(1+ PowerAllo.' .* H));
2 仿真代码 %This Matlab script can be used to generate Figure 4, in the article: % %Emil Bj鰎nson, Jakob Hoydis, Marios Kountouris, M閞ouane Debbah, 揗assive %MIMO Systems with Non-Ideal Hardware: Energy Efficiency, Estimation, and %Capacity Limits,?To appear in IEEE Transactions on I...
9.3ChannelCapacityofRandomMIMOChannels272 10AntennaDiversityandSpace-TimeCodingTechniques281 10.1AntennaDiversity281 10.1.1ReceiveDiversity283 10.1.2TransmitDiversity287 10.2Space-TimeCoding(STC):Overview287 10.2.1SystemModel287 10.2.2PairwiseErrorProbability289 10.2.3Space-TimeCodeDesign292 10.3Space-TimeBlock...
matlab2022a仿真 从上面的仿真结果可知,采用全配对的方法,可以获得较大,但是其数据丢失率也较大,所以设计了基于SINR的配对算法,这样可以根据实际的噪声等干扰因素的影响来进行合理的配对。 3.MATLAB部分代码预览 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ...
1、基于MATLAB的MIMO系统信道容 量及能分析 毕业设计(论文) 目: 基于 MATLAB的MIMO系统信 道容量 及性能分析 毕业设计(论文)诚信声明书 本人声明:本人所提交的毕业论文基于MATLAB的MIMO系统 信道及其性能分析是本人在指导教师指导下独立研究、写作的成 果,论文中所引用他人的文献、数据、图件、资料均已明确标注; ...
Help Center 및 MATLAB Answers에서 Link-Level Simulation에 대해 자세히 알아보기 태그 태그 추가 signal processing 도움 도움 받은 파일: MIMO Channel Capacity Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the communi...
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为了阐明四个用户和一个基站之间的关系,我们使用来自 Math-Works 的 MATLAB 以 2D 方式仿真了两种情况。在这两种情况中,每个 UE 拥有一个天线,基站拥有多天线阵列:基站 #1 拥有包含 50 个全向天线单元的线性阵列,单元以半波长(½ λ)为间隔;基站 #2 拥有包含 200 个全向天线单元的线性阵列,单元以全波长(λ...
Capacity_SU(1,s) = 0.5 * log(1 + (0.5 * SNR_Linear .* sum(abs(Code_Data_SU))); %Capacity Equation % Channel Capacity = (1/2) log(1 + (SNRH)) end simBer = nErr/N; % simulated ber SNRdB_Linear = 10.^(SNRdB/10); %...