Two different critical care information systems were in place over the data collection period: Philips CareVue Clinical Information System (models M2331A and M1215A; Philips Health-care, Andover, MA) and iMDsoft MetaVision ICU (iMDsoft, Needham, MA). These systems were the source of clinical ...
The majority of data in MIMIC-IV is generated and archived within BIDMC as part of routine clinical care and related activities such as monitoring, provider orders, and billing. This data is initially brought together in a Microsoft SQL Server Database within a secure data warehouse at the hosp...
A joint initiative of (i) MIT Clinical Inferencing Group, (ii) Philips CareVue system Philips HealthCare and, (iii) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, as in Fig. 1, has established a project under NIBIB to collect comprehensive data of intensive care unit (ICU) and produces as MIMIC-...