Protection from internal threats, scanning all email leaving the organization or sent to colleagues within the organization and blocking email that contains potential threats or data leaks. By automating advanced malware protection with Mimecast, IT teams can spend less time focused onemail securityand ...
Real-time, on-click website scanning to protect against websites that are currently malicious as well as delayed exploits. Use of Custom Monitored Domains that are controlled by administrators, helping to prevent attackers from using domain similarity to bypass defenses. Stripping of file attachments...
Spam filtering Virus scanning URL protection Likelihood to Recommend Perfect for any company looking to enhance its security. Great for adding protection for on-premise servers as Mimecast removes the requirement for external parties to directly communicate with the client's server. We would recommend...
Mimecast Email Security(Mimecast电子邮件安全).pdf,DATASHEET Mimecast Email Security An always-on, cloud-based email security solution that reduces the complexity of protecting your organization from malware, spam and data leakage. Mimecast Email Securi
Phishing is one of the oldest forms of email attack, but it’s still prevalent in organizations of all sizes. It happens when fraudsters spam users online with emails; these emails sometimes promise prizes or threaten an account suspension, for example, then ask them to click on a link or ...
Phishing is a social engineering attack designed to steal user data. Learn what phishing is and how to stop a phishing attack with Mimecast’s spam email protection.
Real-time, on-click website scanning to protect against websites that are currently malicious as well as delayed exploits. Use of Custom Monitored Domains that are controlled by administrators, helping to prevent attackers from using domain similarity to bypass defenses. ...