Two professional sports teams including the Milwaukee Bucks who play in a brand-new stadium and of course, our very own, the Milwaukee Brewers, where tailgating and a cold beer on a warm summer night is in our DNA. To learn more about what the city has to offer, check outVisit Milwaukee...
Entertainment Teamsarrow_drop_downInterested in Joining? Bucks Grand Dancers The Bucks Grand Dancers are a world-famous group that is never too old to play and loves to get their groove on. They are known around the world thanks to their viral dance moves, love for all things dance and for...
Professional sports teams work year-round to play at the top of their game and win championships, but success is often worth little without the support of fans. Sales from tickets, merchandise, events, and concessions all contribute to building a financially stable franchise that can entertain fan...
Kayak Bass Pro Angler SEE ALL APPEARANCES Mark Zona Fishing Trip Giveaway Enter the Mark Zona Fishing Trip Giveaway at the Milwaukee Sports Show for your chance to win an unforgettable one-day fishing adventure with the legendaryMark Zonain Indiana! The prize package includes round-trip airfare ...
Professional basketball suffered during the 1930s, especially once the American Basketball League disbanded in 1931. Many teams did not have the finances for full-time players, but semi-pro leagues sprung up and prospered. Company-run teams such as Firestone and Healey Motors allowed players to ...
We love the Milwaukee Bucks. They have been an important part of the sports and entertainment scene in Wisconsin for over 40 years. However there are pressures on the team for additional revenue sources that will necessitate the construction of a new arena in the coming years to help secure ...
Does pro baseball translate to golf? Sal, Brice, Ashby & Gasser are here to find out Subscribe now for the latest content and highlights from the Milwaukee Brewers: Find tickets: More from the Milwaukee Brewers: FO...
The competition for 2019 selected forty finalist teams from an approximate global pool of over seven thousand competing teams from over sixty different countries.May 14th, 2019 Press Release THE WAKE Bike Swap and Gold Sprints to be held June 1st The Bike swap will begin at 5pm and finish aro...
The Brewers are one of the hottest teams in baseball, winning their last nine games and opening up a five-game lead in the division. What has changed to propel the offense to new heights? Who is the unsung hero of the Brewers bullpen? Which call-ups could make a difference in September...
''Every game, teams are coming for us. So we got to compete at a high level each and every game.'' MORE OFFENSE NEEDED Antetokounmpo, Middleton and Portis combined for 89 points and shot 29 of 54 from the field. But that trio didn't get much help from the rest of the team. The...