Milwaukee Art Museumonedesign One Design set out to transform the museum’s digital experience into an immersive journey—an extension and expansion of the in-person experience—delivering rich opportunities for engagement and dialogue not currently available....
Milwaukee Art Museum to exhibit self-taught artCARRIE ANTLFINGER
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卡拉特拉瓦认为:“没有必要在建筑的结构上去增加所谓的建筑艺术,也就是说没有必要去穿最新的时髦外衣,结构就是建筑”。 该建筑最精彩的部分是接待厅部分的建筑造型。卡拉塔瓦在入口大厅玻璃天棚外又设计了一层遮阳层,遮阳层共由72个金属杆组成,当遮阳层开启时,建筑造
Address: 700 North Art Museum Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53202Wheelchair access: yesNotable Places in the AreaMilwaukee County War Memorial Public building Photo: Littlemisosoup, CC BY-SA 4.0. The Milwaukee County War Memorial is a memorial building located on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, WI....
Although it was with any exhibition running when I went there, it was an amazing museum, the architecture of this place is a piece of art! During the summer, must try to walk around the museum too UpvoteDownvote André PellerinMarch 28, 2014 Love this place. It pretty much like a gal...
4. Stop by the Milwaukee Art Museum The Milwaukee Art Museum’s architecture is as much of a draw as its collections.Photo credit:Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock Discover masterpieces inside and outside the museum. TheMilwaukee Art Museumhosts an impressive collection of art from around the world...
#密尔沃基美术馆#(Milwaukee Art Museum)是#威斯康星州#的藏宝地。作为全美最大的博物馆之一,这里汇集了超过25,000件艺术珍品。这座美术馆造型奇特外观别致;但当你入馆后会发现它的独特远不止如此:Windhover展馆的拱形落地窗和Quadracci展馆的帆形建筑都会让艺术爱好者们大饱眼福! via: @美国特色旅游 ...
The Milwaukee Art Museum, which overlooks Lake Michigan, was partially housed in a building designed in 1957 by Eero Saarinen as a war memorial. From the outset, two lower floors were allocated for use as an art gallery. Further exhibition space was crea
The Noguchi Museum A self-made museum in Queens, New York continues to display the work of a sculptor known for paving his own way. Mexico City, Mexico Soumaya Museum 66,000 pieces of art, donated by one of the world's richest men. ...