Whether it’s a knockout system that can be set-up without the weight of the tool for the easiest way to punch, or the 600 MCM Crimper that holds the connector for instant alignment and the fastest repetitive crimps, FORCE LOGIC™ always delivers the smartest way to work. ...
750 MCM Cu / 1000 MCM Al Cable Cutting Jaw49-16-2780 Easy Blade Changes with Hex Key Easy Jaw Change Enables Compatibility with M18™ FORCE LOGIC™ 600 MCM Crimper Open Jaw, In-Line Design Easily Fits into Crowded Panels Optimized Blade Geometry Delivers Installation-Ready Cuts Utilizes Exi...
Electrical Installation View All— Electrical Installation Crimpers Cable Strippers Cutters Fish Tapes Knockout Tools Hydraulic Pumps Threading Threaded Rod Cutters Plumbing Installation View All— Plumbing Installation Press Tools Threading Grooving Expansion Tools Copper & PVC Cutters Trans...