Milton Friedman was an American economist who advocated for free-market capitalism. Friedman’s free-market theories influenced economic policies during his time as one of the University of Chicago’s leading intellectuals. Most of Friedman’s opinions criticized theKeynesian-style economic model, which...
Learn about Milton Friedman. Understand who Milton Friedman is, review Milton Friedman's theories, examine Friedman's ideas on economics, and...
Milton Friedman (1912–2006) was an economist in the “Chicago School” tradition who had primarily utilitarian reasons for his libertarian views. As such, he was not as doctrinaire as some about opposing government presence in education. He and his...
Why is Milton Friedman's economic theory discredited by New Keynesians? What evidence do they have? What is Friedman's natural rate theory? What are the limitations of Friedman's theory of money demand in an economic view? Where can best arguments against Milton Friedman (economist)'s economic...
I’m a big fan of Milton Friedman as an economist, and wrote a glowing chapter called “Milton’s Paradise,” in my history of the great economic thinkers, “The Making of Modern Economics.” He endorsed my book with this clever line: “All histories of economics are BS — before ...
New York: University Books. De Vroey, M. (2001). “Friedman and Lucas on the Phillips curve: from a disequilibrium to an equilibrium approach”. Eastern Economic Journal, 27(2): 127–148. Dohert, B. (1995). “Best of both worlds.” Reason, June, 32–38. Fisher, I. (1930). ...
Books (Book reviewsK. Puttaswamaiah (ed.). Milton Friedman, Nobel Monetary Economist: A Review of His Theories and Policies. Enfield, NH: Isle Publishing Company. 2009. Pp. xiv + 285. ISBN 978-0-9823895-0-8. US$45.00. This is a very strange book. Apparently a reprint of a special...
In 1941, Milton Friedman joined the U.S. Treasury Department, working on wartime tax policy during the first two years of World War II. Friedman once noted that his wife "has never forgiven me for the part I played in devising and developing withholding for the income tax." As part of ...
Friedman described his family as “warm and supportive,” but the family income as “small and highly uncertain.” His father died during his senior year in high school, and he took various